10+ College Resume

How to Create an Outstanding College Resume and Impress Anyone Who Reads It

Planning to make a college resume? It’s quite easy to make it. However, if it’s your first time, chances you are confused about making one.

College of Nursing Resume Template

Don’t worry even if you’re a first-timer. With the given college resume sample below, you can get the chance to make an impressive resume.

Sample of College Resume

See this resume sample below by a nurse applicant using nurse college resume template.

Keiko Furukura

111 South Oak Street, Heaven Lake, BY




University of Heaven Lake, July 2014-August 2018, Bachelor in Nursing Science

Professional Work Experience

Nurse – Phillip Wayne’s Clinic (September 2018 – March 2021)

Professional Service

Nurse for geriatric services – American Nurse Association (February 2017 – June 2018)

Community Volunteer Service

Volunteer at SafeU animal shelter, 2013 – now

Health promotor (online) at Hello Doc Community, 2015 – 2018


Dean’s list – Spring 2015, Fall 2016


Furukura, K. Hashimoto, T., Anderson, A. (2018). Effect of lavender, citrus and lemongrass essential oils as a therapy for reducing anxiety and depressive mood in geriatric patients. Geriatric Insight. 3; (10), 229-243

Leadership Roles

Nursing Student Organization, General Secretary, 2016-2017

How to Make a College Resume

Making a college resume is relatively easy. If your college has a certain format to follow, then you can use it and just fill the blanks available. However, if there isn’t such thing, you may refer to some college resume templates.

  • Note down the data required, then you can try looking which one of your experiences that you want to include.
  • Once you’re there, one thing which is left is to make the resume.
  • Enter the data you’ve obtained into your template (if you use one).
  • Don’t forget to proofread the text afterwards.

People Also Ask

What does resume mean in college?

College resume is a document showing the student’s academic skills, experiences, and if available, work and volunteer experiences. This document is often included in a college admission process.

What should be on a college resume?

  • Heading – mentioning your identity (name, address, phone, and email address)
  • High school information such as graduation date, class rank (if any), SAT/ACT scores, and GPA.
  • Academic, honors, publications; literally any achievements.

How do I make my college resume stand out?

  • Make the college resume well-formatted.
  • Work on broadening your experiences.
  • Proofread before submitting your resume.
  • Be honest, no need to do too much show-off.
  • Use a college resume template to help you cut the time making the resume.

Types of College Resume

There are various kinds of college resume available these days. if you are confused about what kind of college resume template that you should get, read this explanation beforehand to get yourself ready.

College Resume Template Example

Making a college resume isn’t something easy, yet not that difficult as well. Therefore, to guide you while making the resume, getting a sample should help you quite much.

College Resume PDF Template

College Resume Template in PDF

Coming in PDF, this template can guide you to make an easy college resume within minutes. Feel free to download and use the template to build your resume.

First Year College Student Resume

Are you a first-year student who plans to get your college resume for internship? Get yourself ready and show who you are with a decently-designed college resume.

College Application Resume PDF Free Download

Format for Student Resume

If you are looking for a student resume sample, then the sample could be a great example that you can use. Get yourself this resume and learn how to compose your student resume using the file.

Free College Resume Template Sample

Looking for college resume for free? Here is yours ready! Download one easily and get ready to showcase your qualifications, skills, and other things that get you prevail. Good news: it’s for free!

College Resume Template Word Free Download

Graduate Resume Template for Free

If you’re planning to job-hunt after finishing your degree, resume is something that you must prepare in copies. However, you need to make your college resume master first, and the file is ready to help you make it.

Resume Template for College Admission

Explain about who you are to the college admission team using this template designed special for college admission. Even though you plan to make it yourself from scratch, it’s still great to have an example – just to get what to input to the resume!

First Year Student College Resume Template

Resume Template for College Application

Impress the team of college admission by prepping your best introductory resume. Don’t worry even if this is your first attempt to make the resume – the template is ready to guide you.

Resume Template for Nursing College

If working in medical field is your passion, being a nurse could be one of your possible dreams to reach. Before getting into the school, be sure to prepare a decent resume.

Freshman College Resume Template

Resume Template Sample for College Instructor

Are you a college instructor and planning to apply for a job? Then the sample is great to help you to get your resume ready.

Resume Template Sample for College Librarian

Being librarian gets you the chance to become close to books, and that’s one of the greatest perks of becoming one. If you intend to apply for a vacant librarian position, try to get yourself this resume. Then, simply customize the template and your resume is ready faster.

High School Resume Microsoft Word Free Download

Resume Template Sample for College Recruiter

If you are a previous college recruiter, then getting a new college recruiter job you need is easier since you have experiences. But still, you need to prep your resume, so you can get a chance for interview.

Resume Template Sample for College Student

Are you a college student who is planning to make your resume? Instead of getting yourself unprepared and dwelling with the nitty-gritty, why don’t you just take the quick step? Just find your resume sample.

Sample College Student Resume Template

Template Example for High School Resume

If you are planning to apply for a college, then you’ll do better to make a resume based on a sample. Get yourself any of these college resume samples.

Template for College Freshman Resume

Planning for an internship? If so, prepping for a resume could be one of your hardest procedures. Here’s your helping hand ready: download this college resume sample and you’ll be fine.

College Admission Resume Template

So, that’s how you should prepare your college resume. Getting a template will help you in many things, from cutting the time to design the resume yourself to making the look outstanding.

Free Undergraduate College Resume Template Download

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