10+ Freelance Resume Sample

The Downloadable Freelance Resume Sample and Templates

For those who are looking for freelance resume sample, you have come to the right place. There will be tons of templates available on this page, and they are all great for freelance workers. When you have to make the resume, you do not need to start from the blank page. Just use the examples instead.

Freelance Writer

The templates or examples are great to use since they make the process of resume-writing seems so quick. These are some of the examples and templates that you can use. Feel free to download them all, and then save them in your devices or PC. You will need them one day.

The Example of Freelance Resume


Name: Annette Free

Email: missafreee@mail.me

Phone: 2916-1827

Address: 371 Fish St, Lucas, GFS


  • Currently studying for journalism in the University of Portland.
  • Having been interested in journalistic for years and active in journalism during high school days.
  • Looking for freelance jobs as journalist to provide experience and real-life working pressure to prepare for future career.


Damian High School, Graduated 2019, GPA 3.1

University of Portland, Ongoing, Bachelor Degree in Journalism

Work History

Internship, 2018, Hazel Magazine, Journalist

Internship, 2019, York Post, Journalist


  • Time Management
  • Interview
  • Writing
  • Translating
  • Work under pressure
  • Team Working
  • Management


English, Advanced

Spanish, Advanced

How to Write a Freelance Resume?

Well, writing freelance resume sample can be done very easily. The first thing you need to do is basically getting that sample, and you can go on from there. These are the steps and instructions to do, so writing the resume for freelance worker will be easier for you. Here they are:

  1. Find the right templates and examples
  2. Download them and save them in your computer
  3. Open them up using Microsoft Word or other program
  4. Edit them by adding your personal information and profile
  5. Add your work experience if any
  6. Add your history of education
  7. Add your skills and trainings
  8. Add your language skills
  9. Recheck before printing

People Also Ask

How can I write my freelancer skills?

In freelance resume sample, the skills are mostly listed there. You should be able to list them very easily at all time. Make sure all skills are related to what kind of job you are doing. Say for example, if you are a freelance editor, make sure you have the editing skills written on the resume.

It is very important to list up the skills because future employers won’t recruit someone with no skill. This is why you have to make sure even in your freelance resume, you have your skills listed and written properly over there. Get the right freelance resume sample and you will see the point.

How do I start freelance writing with no experience?

Freelance jobs often started with no experience at all. Therefore, people often list their internship and volunteering works instead. After all, the jobs are often taken by those who are just in college and do not have real experience. It is fine as long as the jobs internship is related to the field.

You can also add your experience in extracurricular when you are in high school. They are worth to be included on the resume as they are usually written as well in the freelance resume sample. Simply check the experience, and if they are related, you can place them right away on the resume.

How do I write my skills on a resume?

List the skills by dividing them into hard skills and soft skills. Or, simply list them alphabetically, so it won’t be confusing for anyone to read them. You should be able to write properly from now on after getting the freelance resume sample right.

Freelance Copy Editor Resume Template

Do not worry about writing a resume for freelance copy editor. There is no way you can do it for free and easy without templates. This template is one of the best examples to download.

Freelance Copywriter Resume Template

This is the resume for copywriter. Get the resume now and start writing your own resume with all the perks and easiness now.

Freelance Web Developer

Freelance Fashion Designer Resume Template

A fashion designer is a freelance job as well. Write your resume as well as your portfolio attached to it by referring on the resume example available.

Fashion Designer Resume

Freelance Graphic Designer Resume Template

Graphic designer is also a freelance kind of job. This is how you can do it for free: using the example and template available.

Graphic Designer Resume

Freelance Journalist Resume Template

Journalist is also the kind of job that can be done part time. Get the resume done so quickly by using templates and examples.

Marketing Freelance

Freelance Marketing Resume Template

Marketing jobs can be done using freelance format. It should be able to get you well earned money for sure. Get the freelance resume sample and then start writing your own from now on.

Sample Resume

Sample Resume Template for Freelance

This is the basic resume for the freelance workers. Get the template and use it as the basic format for your resume writing experience. It takes no time at all, and it is all free all the time.

Freelance Copy Editor

Freelance Translator Resume Template

Translator is the kind of job that you can do at home at all time. As long as you have the skills to translate things from one language to another, it is doable at home. Get the right freelance resume sample to start writing the resume.

Translator Resume

Freelance Web Developer Resume Template

If you are working as web developer, and it is not full time job, the freelance resume sample that you need is this one. Download it and you can edit it on your PC later on.

Freelance Copywriter

The Freelance Writer Resume Template

As the name implies, this is the resume for freelance writer. The freelance resume sample will show you how the right format for this kind of resume. Get them now and it is all for free.

Freelance Journalist

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freelance resume sample 171 KB 171
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