10+ Dentist Curriculum Vitae Template

Dentist Curriculum Vitae Template and Samples

The dentist curriculum vitae template usually tells all the details about the candidates and wouldn’t change whatever the job position they apply for.

General Dentist Curriculum Vitae

As we know, dentist is a doctor who has a specialty in dental health. They do the job by diagnosing, cure, and prevent the dental and oral problems of the patients. Following are the other details that you need to know about the dentist curriculum vitae that may you need.

The Example of Dentist Curriculum Vitae

Here is the example of dentist curriculum vitae template:

Mary Canning

Contact Details

Address            : 57 Greentown Road, Greene

Home               : (876) 3737 7373

Mobile phone    : 0336284489

Email                : mary.canning@outlook.com

Personal Summary

  • A high-skilled and well-motivated dentist who has an amazing track record of doing the job as a dentist.
  • Able to build and maintain a good relationship with the patients that make them come back to use our services.
  • Able to work independently and also has great flexibility in working as a team.

Areas of Expertise

  • Teeth whitening
  • Oral surgery
  • Marketing
  • Communication
  • Orthodontic
  • Administration

Key Competencies and Skills

  • Able to diagnose, treat, and prevent every patient well
  • Able to prescribe the medication with proper standard and procedures
  • Excellent in communication and maintaining the relationship with the patients
  • Well-presented

Educational Qualifications

Master of Dentistry – MDent (2004 – 2008)

Greene University

Bachelor of Dentistry – BDent (2000 – 2004)

Greene University

Work Experience

General Dentist (June 2008 – present)

Greene Dental

  • Provide dental service to the patients professionally
  • Perform dental and oral surgery successfully
  • Deal with any types of patients professionally
  • Build and maintain well relationships with patient
  • Examine and prescribe the medication for the patients with the proper procedures

Tips on Making Dentist Curriculum Vitae

After knowing the sample of dentist curriculum vitae, now you should know the easy tips on writing the CV:

  1. Curriculum vitae must include all your academic and non-academic background, work experience, awards, achievements, etc.
  2. List your background history in the reversed period.
  3. Make sure to enlist your dentistry skills and personal achievements in detailed points.

People Also Ask

How do I write Curriculum Vitae for a dentist?

You can start with compelling your summary statement or dental objective after putting in your contact details. Then, add your work experience as a dentist along with the key skills and achievements/awards. After that, you can finally put educational qualifications that contain your academic background. Put also the training experiences if you have any. Don’t forget to list the job description when you write work experience.

What skills do I need for dentistry?

Following are the best key skills you should have as a dentist:

  1. Strong communication skills
  2. Patience
  3. Teamwork skills
  4. High ability to work under pressure, even in long hours
  5. Great deep-in knowledge about dental
  6. Well-presented

How can I improve my dental resume?

Follow the rules below to make sure your resume is effective:

  1. Make your resume simple
  2. Do not use the uncommon language that’s hard to understand
  3. Make your resume interesting visually
  4. Ensure your resume doesn’t contain any typographical and grammar errors
  5. Write only the relevant information

How do I write a cover letter for a dentist?

An impressive cover letter will be a plus point to increase your chance to be accepted in any job you want, including a dentist. You can start by giving a brief summary of yourself as a professional dentist, and the reason why you are suitable for the specific job and role that you want. Then, tell why you are interested in the job and the company. You can also include an explanation of personal career goals. After that, include your achievements or awards that are relevant to the job description.

Trainee Dental Nurse Curriculum Vitae

The dentist curriculum vitae template for trainee nurses is a perfect choice for you who are seeking any trainee dental nurse position. To ensure you will be placed in this job position, you should put your career objective at the beginning of your CV.

Pediatric Dentist Curriculum Vitae

If you are a person who loves being around children and have an urge to pursue career as a dentist, you should try to apply for a pediatric dentist. You can easily follow the pediatric dentist curriculum vitae template to help you to write the CV structurally well.

Fresher Dentist

Entry-Level Dentist Curriculum Vitae

Who said you can’t be a successful dentist if you haven’t had any work experiences and still on your very first step of graduating? Well, you can. This entry-level dentist curriculum vitae template will help you to write the first resume.

Sample Dentist Curriculum Vitae

Senior Dentist Curriculum Vitae

The senior dentist curriculum vitae template is for anyone who has remarkable experiences as a dentist and wants to enhance the career in dentistry. After writing down your contact details, put your career profile in a brief summary. This will help the recruiter to get a big picture of you as professional dentist.

Pediatric Dentist

Hospital Dentist Curriculum Vitae

If you are a highly experienced dentist, especially in hospitals, and want to update your CV, just follow the hospital dentist curriculum vitae template. Even though you have numerous amazing work experiences, make sure to put educational background as this will increase your chance to get accepted.

Senior Dentist

Dental Curriculum Vitae

This dentist curriculum vitae template is used for helping you to update the CV as a professional dentist. You can start by putting your best photo then followed with your name along with all your degrees in dentistry. Then, list your professional history qualifications. Finally, put your achievements and awards in dentistry.

Professional Dentist

Associate Dentist Curriculum Vitae

This template is perfect for you who are seeking a position as a dentist associate. Similar to the other dentist curriculum vitae template, with this sample, you will need to put your career objective, skills, work experience, and academic qualifications.

Dentist Curriculum Vitae Format

Professional Dentist Curriculum Vitae

The professional dentist CV is quite similar to the senior dentist curriculum vitae template. However, with this template, you will not only need to include your contacts and career objective, but you should also highlight all your strength as a professional dentist.

Associate Dentist Dentist Trainee Nurse

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