6+ Paralegal Resume      

Take a Look at the Samples of Paralegal Resume      

Are you interested in being a professional paralegal? If so, you should know this field is a perfect job for those who don’t have any law educational background or working experience.

Litigation Paralegal Resume

However, you are highly required to have exceptional skills as a person. In addition, you need the best resume to make you get accepted in a short time. Being a paralegal means you can’t work alone, and you will work under the attorney’s supervision.

The Example of Paralegal Resume

You can see the paralegal resume sample below to help you know more about making one.

Lisa Howard

Personal Contacts

Email    : howard.lisa@live.com

Phone   : 111 6332 5252

Address: 1537 Aaron High Road, Harrisburg, PA 17363

LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/howard.lisa

Resume Objective

  • An excellent graduate with more than 5 years of experience in conducting legal research and interviews.
  • Looking to bring academic training and working experiences into an entry-level legal position at a well-reputed law firm.
  • A dedicated and well-organized worker seeking to work with supportive partners.


  • Problem Solving
  • LexisNexis
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • High Typing Speed (90 WPM)
  • Microsoft Office Suite
  • Leadership
  • Litigation Support
  • Software Scheduling
  • Handling Pressure
  • Document Preparation
  • Exceptional Writer
  • Civil Law
  • Account Administration
  • Court Transcription
  • Document Filing


Legal Intern (August 2015 – Present)

Winchester Law Firm, Houston, TX

  • Assisting the preparation of the documents for civil and criminal trials by conducting and scheduling interviews with other lawyers, witnesses, and clients
  • Assisting the senior legal staff with the law research and managing the legal documents for trials preparation
  • Creating and maintaining an electronic and paper litigation database
  • Answering phone calls, performing administrative tasks, maintaining files and databases, and receiving messages

Legal Secretary (May 2013 – July 2015)

MMC Offices, Houston, TX

  • Filing, scanning, and organizing the briefs, legal documents, and exhibits into the firm’s electronic and paper database
  • Attending annual training to understand the flow of the office work
  • Using Microsoft Office Suite software to present and prepare the evidence and legal documents in spreadsheets for the review of all attorneys
  • Participating in training and seminars to improve knowledge and skills
  • Managing the front desk area, escorting and greeting the visitors and guests to their appointments
  • Answering phone calls and emails, and also arranging the travel plans for the senior staffs
  • Updating and scheduling the appointments, and coordinating the meetings and conferences monthly
  • Serving as primary contact with the office vendors and clients
  • Managing the inventory of the office and restocking the needed supplies regularly

Educational Background

Bachelor of Arts (2008 – 2012)

Major: Communication

The Houston College, Houston, TX

Diploma (2007 – 2008)

The Houston College, Houston, TX

Tips to Make Paralegal Resume

Remember the following tips below to make you get recruited soon as a paralegal staff:

  1. Show off your knowledge and abilities

You should know your strengths and weaknesses. Then, make sure to put your strengths to cover the weaknesses.

  1. Boast your skills (hard and soft skills)

“Sell” yourself with the best way by boasting your soft and hard skills.

  1. Add a summary

Adding a profile summary will help the employers know more about you.

  1. Match your resume with the job keywords

Every job position has relevant keywords. In this case, use the paralegal keywords in your resume.

People Also Ask

What skills should a legal staff have?

If you want to establish an excellent paralegal career, include the following essential skills:

  1. Communication
  2. Teamwork
  3. Patience
  4. Writing
  5. Innovative
  6. Technology
  7. Flexibility
  8. Prioritizing
  9. Organizational
  10. Researching

What are the responsibilities and duties of a legal staff?

Here are the things that the legal staffs do:

  1. Summarizing the testimony, interrogatories, and depositions
  2. Conducting documentary, statistical, and investigations research
  3. Drafting pleadings, correspondences, and legal documents
  4. Locating and interviewing the witnesses
  5. Conducting the legal research
  6. Conducting interviews with the witnesses and clients
  7. Maintaining the professional relationship with the clients

How do you make your legal resume stand out?

You can do these things to make your resume great:

  1. Keep your interests and hobbies relevant to the job position
  2. Use the elegant yet simple layout
  3. Keep your resume simple and short
  4. Enhance the relevant skills
  5. Write a good narrative with active verbs
  6. Provide your work experience first before adding your educational background
  7. Show your publications
  8. Make a different resume for every job position that you are applying to

Samples of Paralegal Resume for Every Specialization

You can’t use the same paralegal resume template for every specialization. Choose one from the following samples to fit in your role.

Paralegal Resume for Immigration     

Take the immigration paralegal resume template to make your immigration legal resume. In the last section for this template, you are required to list the responsibilities you had while working in the previous company.

Real Estate Paralegal Resume

Paralegal Resume for Litigation

If you want to be a professional litigation legal staff, just download this resume template. However, this template is provided in PDF format, so you need to edit it with the PDF software.

Sample Resume For new Paralegal

Paralegal Resume for Real Estate

The real estate business is growing fast in the modern days. That’s why there are so many job opportunities to be a real estate legal staff. Are you interested in being one? Just use the real estate paralegal resume template, then.

Corporate Paralegal Resume

Paralegal Resume for Entry-Level

By using the entry-level legal resume, you are encouraged to write your personal details as a fresher. Add the special skills and community involvement sections in your resume to show you are a talented fresher who is ready to be a legal staff.

Entry Level Paralegal Resume

Paralegal Resume for Corporate

Applying for a corporate legal staff position definitely will be a big challenge for you since there will be so many other talented competitors, especially if the company is a great and well-reputed one in your city. Select the corporate paralegal resume template to help you compete with them.

Immigration Paralegal Resume


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