Student Magazine Free Download PSD

Attractive Design Idea for Student Magazine

Student magazine is the most popular information tool for school. The school side often spread their value through the information they write in the magazine. There are a lot of types of information written, such as school’s achievements, news, student’s events, or student’s creations. Besides, the magazine also accommodates the student’s artwork like pictures, photos, or other things.

Nowadays, the number of students who read the magazine is decreased. The main cause is the existence of digital media. Well, the big impact of this phenomenon is the information that was not noticed by students. Therefore, as the journalist team of magazines in school, you need to find a strategy in getting the attention of students.

How to Increase Student Magazine Readers

To get more students who put interest in the student magazine, you need to have a strategy in promoting the magazine. One thing you can try is by having a small team that will design the magazine. Customizing the look of the magazine can be a great idea to make students stop by, and give an eye to see the magazine. Also, you must organize the best layout and idea based on the stake holder’s demand

The Essentials in Student Magazine Design

Printed magazine in school can be a challenging process for the design team in making a great final look of the cover and the whole design on it. Here are some tips to apply when you design a magazine.

  1. Design the eye-catching cover

Most popular magazines are famous because their cover has special elements that can be the character of the magazine. To make student magazine attractive, design the cover based on what’s going on in the student’s world and environment. Or, you can pick up the special theme when there’s a special event you write in the magazine.

  1. Have a great contents page

The content page is the anchor of your inside pages that will direct students to a different section. This content can be a particular interest for them, and they will highlight special key articles. The drafting layout can influence the page’s look, and determine how great it is.

  1. Adapt the genre

In this phase, you need to understand the popular genre that’s liked by the readers. Try to find the hot issue and topic which often discussed by students before you choose the genre. Particular font styles, colors, photo angels should also be adjusted based on the genre.

Creating Student Magazine with PSD Template

A template is a sensible place to start designing a magazine. If you are a new designer, the PSD magazine template is a great idea that will allow you to dive into customizing the magazine based on the topic and theme you choose. You can skip some steps, such as thinking about master pages, page numbers, or heading because the template already provides it for you.

PSD Template as Solution for Student Magazine Design

Editable template, such as PSD file type won’t ever go wrong as your escape solution to make student magazine better. You can have it as your capital to adjust everything without having a time limitation. Whenever you find something new, you can add the contents in the PSD template that you already have.  

Download :

File File size Downloads
Sample Student Magazine Templates 5 MB 413
Student Magazine Template Ideas 11 MB 437
Student Magazine Template Sample 5 MB 420
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