Real Estate Catalog PSD Flyer Template

The Real Estate Catalog Templates and Samples

In this era of digital marketing, it seems all products are in dire need to be advertised online, even the immovable objects like real estate. Well, online advertising offers easiness for both marketers and targets as it becomes the medium for both parties. In the case of the real estate business, people sometimes come to the realtor office as well. They may come with queries about what they’ve seen online. If so, the catalogs are needed to bridge online-offline information that they get. Here’s why you should make your real estate catalog, and how to make it.


Why You Should Make Real Estate Catalog

  1. Catalogs drive sales

The printed catalog will never die as long as people are still doing business. Based on the study, more than half of the samples admit to buying more products than planned after being shown to a catalog. More interestingly, 75% of them said catalogs help them to decide which product they should buy. This is why the catalog is important. It helps people to make their mind and proceed with the purchase. With the catalog, the independence of choice is all theirs, given the product’s facts are served in the catalog.

  1. Promoting product awareness

Catalogs are informative prints related to marketing. It plays a role as a marketing tool, and it also helps people to better understand the real estate you are promoting.

  1. Giving convenience and accessibility

Not all potential buyers come from your online ads. Some people are more convenient for checking out the buildings directly by visiting your office. This is where printed real estate catalog can be useful. It gives the customers easy access to an overview of your ‘product’ first before visiting the real estate.

What You Need To Make the Real Estate Catalog

Just like a restaurant menu card, the catalog contains information about the buildings you are promoting. You will need to prepare not only photos of buildings, but also complete information about them. You may include the answers to FAQ as well. Make sure to provide the best picture of the real estate advertised. Hiring a professional photographer can help to get better pictures.


Real Estate Catalog Essentials

  1. Layout

Layouting doesn’t mean to just arrange pictures and text neatly. It also has roles in gaining audiences’ attention. For the real estate catalog, you can put a larger photo on the top of the page, followed by several smaller additional photos and texts.

  1. Content

Good content brings effective marketing. To achieve that, a decent copywriting skill is needed. A nicely-written catalog explanation should be able to motivate customers to take further action in purchasing.

  1. Design

Design is in charge of attracting people’s attention visually. Avoid having ‘too colorful’ catalog or mismatched colors. Make it simple with readable fonts and minimal use of decorations.


Making Your Real Estate Catalog with a Template

Blending colors and shapes properly may sound unchallenging, but it needs a requisite skill to go with. To save your precious time, it will be better to utilize a pre-made template. It is downloadable and free to customize.


PSD Real Estate Catalog Templates

PSD is one of the template formats offered online. By using a specific application, you can get your real estate catalog done way easier. It is time-saving as well, so you may consider this suggestion.  

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