10+ College Resume Template

College Resume Template Examples and All Details You Need to Understand

For those who need to find college resume template, there will be a lot of them below. There will be also explanations about it that you have to understand.

Find out everything about resume for college and the samples from the information and you should find no hardship in creating and writing one.

Sample College Student Resume Format

College Resume Template Examples

John Jacob Smith



Douglas St, 261, YH.

Career Objectives:

MA student in English Literature. JJ Smith is learning to become an author or a professional proofreader the career that he has chosen is related to the world of literature and writings. He has the passion to modern and classic literature.


Humming High School, YH, Literature Major, GPA 3.4

Marlowe Art School, Bachelor’s Degree in Literature, GPA 3.6

Jacob Smith College, Master’s Degree, Ongoing

Activities and achievements:

2019- Shakespearian Writing Competition- Second Place

2020- Online Drama Competition- First Place

Work Experience:

2020- Director Assistant- Rose Theater

This short resume is written truthfully.

JJ Smith.

How Do You Write a College Resume?

This is how you write the right resume if you are graduating college. All you have to do is actually using the right college resume template. However, if you need to do it on your own, this is how you do it:

  1. Keep it real and concise
  2. Write it simple, readable and focus on the content
  3. Provides every needed details about your education
  4. Highlights your achievements and educations as well.
  5. Use the right format and template
  6. Do not exaggerate and adding unnecessary things

People also Ask

What does a good resume look like for a college student?

A good resume is going to look simple and readable. You may want to write only the needed things on your resume and you do not want to exaggerate stuff. Of course, many people find the urge to make their resume full and packed. However, sometimes it is not a good thing.

You have to use the right college resume template to guide you up. Also, you have to find the right information about what to and not to write on the resume. Basically, it contains three parts:

  1. Personal information and contact
  2. Education list
  3. Work experience (if any)

How do I write a college resume with no experience?

When you are just graduating college or you have but have not finding out any jobs, then you have to use the college resume template for freshman or fresh graduate. This way, you do not need to add job experience. However, be careful in using on in applying jobs that requires job experience.

If you want, you can add in the earlier jobs you have in high school and all the informal ones. It will count but won’t probably too related to the job you are applying. This is why you should be able to resist yourself from writing one on the paperwork.

What should a college freshman put on their resume?

As stated before, you are a freshman or fresh graduate from high school who are not getting any experience in the working industry yet. So, the things you can write on the resume is the plain, basic things. If you need the college resume template about this one, there will be plenty of them here. It just needs your basic information.

College Resume Template

This is the template that you can use in applying all types of job. It covers the basic information and there will be places to add in your work experience as well.

College student resume examples

Fresh Graduate College Student Template

For those who just graduate colleges and need to get the college resume template, this is the example that you need to have. It covers all you need and you do not have to write on your own.

Resume for recent college graduate

Graphic Student Resume Template

Applying for graphic-related job is not easy as you have to apply using your resume and some of your projects as well. To start, get this college resume template as this is the one suitable for the graphic students.

college student resume templates

College Student Resume Templates Sample

Writing the resume on your own is not good as it is time consuming. But, you can always use template, and this one is just great for you to use.

Resume templates for College Student

College Student Professional Resume Template

College students find it hard to create their own resume if they have no experience in it. However, thanks to the college resume template, you can just edit them and print it. There is no need to start writing from nothing.

college student resume templatess Sample

College Student Resume Example

This is the resume you have to download. It has all you need in it and all the templates support you from writing a good, readable resume for your future job.

graphic student resume sample

Resume Template for College Students

Some jobs want to receive a good resume for college student as they expect better education. You have to make sure you use this template to maintain their expectation.

Sample College Resume Template

If you need samples of the resume, fear not as they are already to download. All you have to do is actually download and edit them whenever you want.

College Admission Resume Sample

Sample Resume for Volunteer

Being a volunteer is a great job and good at heart, too. This is the college resume template to download when you write to become a volunteer.

Entry Level College Student Resume

If you are not a senior and you are practically new, this is the entry level resume for you. It covers your basic need to write on the document.

College Student professional resume templates

College Graduate Resume Template

Do you need a good template? This one is the template for you. It looks simple, but it covers everything you need to write.

College Student Template Resume

Many college students are having hard time in finding the right resume. This is the one to choose. It offers you the space to write the essentials.

Sample College Volunteer Resume

College Admission Resume Template Example

Last but not least, you have this resume. It is for admission into college. Basically, it is like the one for high school only more advanced. You can download this college resume template for free.


college graduate resume templates

entry level resume sample

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