7+ College Student Resume Templates

College Student Resume Templates and Free Examples in All Formats

For those who are working on college student resume but cannot find the best way to write it, do not worry about it as you can use templates from now on. The templates are helpful, and you can just use any of them according to the style or format you like.

These are some of the best templates you can find about the resume for college student. There will be tons of them, and picking one will be easy. All you need to do is just selecting one that matches your need, and then downloads it immediately.

Undergraduate Student Resume Example

The Example of College Student Resume

Luis Gomez



Genevieve, HN

Career Objective

  • Pursuing jobs in laboratories or in pharmaceutical company.
  • Developing drugs in pharmaceutical laboratory.
  • Works in top-leading company for medicine developer.

Education Background

Douglas High School, Graduated 2017, GPA 3.5

Manor University, Bachelor’s Degree in Microbiology, Ongoing

Skill and Training

Computing skill, Advanced

Communication skill, Advanced

Training as lab assistance, Manor University, 2019

Training as medicine developer, Manor University, 2020


Leader in Science Team of Manor University, 2019

Leader in Training for Young Pharmacist, Manor University, 2020

Leader in Youth Team of Microbiologist, Manor University, 2021

Language Skill

  • English, Advanced
  • German, Advanced
  • Portuguese, Advanced


How to Write Resume for College Student?

To write a good, readable college student resume, you have to do something right when it comes to composing the resume. These are some tips you can use to make sure that your college student resume is going to be great.

  1. Keep the resume short and simple
  2. Highlight on your education background
  3. Add in your summary of leadership experience (if any)
  4. List of extracurricular activities at campus
  5. Do not forget to mention your contacts
  6. If you have reference contact, do not forget to add them in.
  7. Make sure there is signature of yours on the resume.

People Also Ask

What should I put on my resume as a college student?

When you are a college student, you are probably not having any proper job experience. However, you can always list your summer job or high-school time job as long as it is relevant to your resume. Besides, it will ensure the reader of your resume that you are, after all, have experiences.

As we know, college students are often joining extracurricular, volunteering programs, and also internship. These are very common to them, and you should be able to write these details on the college student resume. In addition, it should help to add more weight on the experience side of your resume.

How can a college student make a resume with no experience?

As stated before, experience can be “replaced” by the list of extracurricular activities or any sorts of programs that you are working on (without being paid) during your college time. If you have previous job, albeit menial, relatable to the resume, you can add them there as well.

A college student resume should not only highlight the experience, but also the fact that it is probably somebody’s first time in finding proper job. Therefore, list your contact details properly and your background education on the resume.

How long should a resume be for a college student?

Mostly, 1-2 pages are enough for the length. Do not exaggerate the college student resume because it makes the resume less readable. You should be able to keep it simple, and then make sure it contains the essential information.

The Free Template College Student Resume

This is the template you can get for making college student resume. This one the free template, so you do not need to pay for anything to download this file. Yes, it is 100% free. After downloading it, you can always edit it based on your preference. Then, just print it later on.

The Example of College Student Resume Free

Instead of using a blank document, it will be so much easier to use college student resume template. It is free, and download the templates won’t cost you a dime. This is very easy to download, and you should be able to use it immediately.

Sample First Year College Student Resume

Resume for High School Student

High school students have the right to make their own resume, too. You can make the process of resume making faster by using the right template. This is the template you should download and then use it later on. It will help you to pen a good resume for the purpose.

Example of UTSA College Student Resume

For those looking for UTSA resume for college student, the example can be found for free. The example is clear, and it has blank spaces that you can adjust later on. This way, making the resume is going to be so much easier.

College Student Internship Resume

Resume for Internship in College

Many college students are joining internship programs. Sometimes, the internship is great to add experience in the near future. This is the reason why you should always apply for internship. This is the template for that, and using this template is going to ease your way to the top.

Mechanical Engineering Student Resume Template

There are a lot students out there studying engineering, particularly mechanical engineering. When they want to make resume for themselves, it is better to use the ready-made templates. By using one, writing down the resume is not going to be difficult anymore.

Undergraduate Student Resume Example

The Template for Undergraduate Student

This is the resume aimed for undergraduate students. They still have ongoing education but must apply for some jobs or programs probably to advance their experiences. For this case, this template is the right choice. Use it now and download it for free.

The Resume for On-Campus Student Employment

The last resume template is the one for those who are looking for on-campus student employment. Yes, many campuses do it, and you have to make the resume to apply. Well, this is the resume for that. Use this to pen a good college student resume.

  High School Student Resume For College 


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