5+ Principal Resume

The Free Download Principal Resume Templates

Writing principal resume is usually done by those who have been sitting in the top position of the school’s board for years. A principal or in some countries called “headmaster” is basically the boss of the school. If you need the template to help writing the resume, it is still okay, though.

School Principal Resume

There will be plenty of templates available below. It should help you making the best resume and showing off the years of experience you have as principal. These are some of the best ideas of templates for resume aimed for principals. Here they are.

The Example of Principal Resume


Name: Liam James Smith, Ph.D.

Phone: 2816-9172

Address: 24 Purple Jar, Rose City, 6271

Email: liamjamessmith@mail.me


  • Currently a principal at Lyon High School.
  • Having been working as principal in several different high schools throughout the years.
  • Good with children and mastering the technique of communicating between students, staff and vendors.
  • The main career goal is to continue being in top-tier high schools and work as principal.
  • Having a Ph.D. degree in Children Learning and Education.

History of Education

  • 2016, Doctoral Degree, The University of Rose City, Children Learning and Education, GPA 3.6
  • 2013, Master Degree, The University of Rose City, Children Learning and Education, GPA 3.7
  • 2009, Bachelor’s Degree, Hudson College for Education, Early Learning Children Education, GPA 3.3
  • 2005, Jackson General High School, GPA 3.5

Working Experience as Principal

2016-2019, Jameson High School

Main Duties:

  • Planning school policies
  • Setting the rules of admission
  • Preparing school calendar
  • Tracking the school’s educational performance

2019-Ongoing, Wilson International High School

Main Duties:

  • Fostering relationship with pupils
  • Establishing connections with staff and teachers
  • Supervising the educational board
  • Hiring new teachers and staff
  • Allocating educational materials
  • Organizing fundraising efforts for the school


2018, A Seminar for Principal and Headmaster, Jameson Government.

2019, Becoming a Senior Principal, University of Duff

2020, Finance Organizing for High School, The Bank of State


  • Children’s Education
  • Staff Hiring
  • Student Finance Organization
  • School Calendar Planning
  • Patience
  • Time-Management
  • Multi-Tasking
  • Leadership
  • Compassion
  • Analytical Thinking
  • Risk Taking


English, Advanced

Portuguese, Advanced

Spanish, Advanced

How to Write the Principal Resume

A principal resume must look really good and professional. It has to look formal as well. To ease your way in making the resume, you will have to do several things, and these are the things you need to do when it comes to make the resume.

  1. Download the right resume template. Choose the one that matches your career and purpose.
  2. Edit the template by opening it on Microsoft Word or other editing tool
  3. Add information about your personal contact at the top section of the resume
  4. Write a brief profile about yourself and the career goal
  5. List the history of education, starting from high school and university levels.
  6. List the history of professional career, especially the one related to principal jobs.
  7. If you have been following any trainings related to the principal jobs, write them on the resume
  8. List your skills (soft skills, hard skills and language skills)

People Also Ask

What skills do you need to be a principal?

The main soft skill you need to be a principal is leadership skill. A principal will basically lead the school and run the school. If they do not have a good leadership skill, it will drastically ruin the school. A principal must have strong communication skill as well.

When it comes to the technical skill, a principal should be able to understand children’s basic education, curriculum planning, and school financing. This is why in principal resume you will see that the principals add these sorts of skill to make sure everyone knows what they are capable of.

What are the duties of a principal?

In principal resume, you will have to write the duties when you are becoming a principal. The duties are so many but basically it can be divided into three general classes. The first one is planning. Yes, a principal plan so many things, starting from the curriculum to the school policies.

The second one is supervising. The position of a principal is technically above everybody else’s so that the principal has the right to supervise. The last one is to organize. This one involves staff organizing to finance organizing. Basically, a principal should have the ability to do many things.

Can a principal fire a teacher?

Technically they can. In principal resume, you can tell that one of the duties of the principal is to organizing staff and vendors in the school. This is including teachers. The principal can have the right to recruit or dismiss teacher, depending on many factors.

Chronological Resume for Principal Template

Chronological resume is the best format for principal resume. It shows the events from the recent years. It helps people understand the experience of the principal so easily. Download the template now, and you won’t regret it at all.

Formal Resume for Principal Template

As stated before, principal resume must be formal most of the time. The job as principal is not exactly the one to take for granted. This is why the resume should look really professional and appealing. Download the right template and make sure you get it right.

Assistant Principal Resume

Resume for High School Principal Template

Most of the templates for principal resume are aimed for high school principals, which is very common. If you need one, you should download the right template, then edit and use it all the time from now on. Just get the template now.

Resume for Principal Template in PDF

Resume is often sent through email. If so, you will have to convert the resume into PDF format. If you want to avoid the fuss and writing a good principal resume from the start, choose the one in PDF format already. It is easier to use and send eventually.

Elementary Principal Resume

Resume for Principal Template with Experience

Last but not least, this is the principal resume for those who have been working at the job for years, and you have tons of experience. This template is the perfect choice.


High School Principal Resume



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