10+ Professional Education Resume

Using Professional Education Resume Template as an Easy Way to Make Your Own Resume

If you’re passionate in becoming a professional in education field, it’s a good idea to start your higher education within that specific area of expertise. Working in this field does not always mean you are going to be a teacher—there is a lot more than that. Be it education executive, education admission, or even the teacher itself—start your job-seeking journey by writing a professional education resume.

Education Assistant Resume Sample.DOC

Writing a resume for any jobs in education field is not different than writing resume for any other jobs. That said, you will also find resume template to help you while creating your professional education resume. By using a template, it’s a sure thing you will work in an easy way in a more efficient time possible.

Sample for Professional Education Resume

Start your resume-making journey by reading a sample first. If this is your first time making a professional education resume, then it’d be beneficial if you’re referring to a resume sample first. So, to help you out, shown below is a sample resume for professionals in education.

Daisy N. Roosevelt

82 Jasmine 3th Avenue, San Jose, California 93948 | daisynroosevelt@gmail.com | 039-438-348-348


  • An enthusiastic, vigorous administration staff with years of experiences in a public school.
  • Quick, responsive, and highly-adaptive to new situation and can work well either as individual or as a part of a team.


Currently seek for an administration job in schools within San Jose area, preferably a public school. However, any type of school is fine as long as I find a job that fits my qualifications.


Bachelor’s degree of School Administration, University of Portland, Oregon Graduated 2011

GPA: 3.7/4.0


Administration Staff, Portland Public High School, Portland, OR                    2012 – 2021

Job descriptions:

  • Maintained the organization of filing systems for the school
  • Typed letters and other documents that were required to smoothen the school’s operational
  • Answered phone calls and connected it to the headmaster’s office, etc.


Mrs. Rhonda Smith, Headmaster of Portland Public High School                   (023-433-438-853)

Reference file is enclosed along this document.

How to Create a Professional Resume for Applying to Education-related Jobs

Just as mentioned earlier, it is pretty similar with making a resume for any jobs. So, you will need to prepare some data before making your resume, such as your personal identity, education background, and previous working experiences if any. These three acts are the most essential things that should exist in a resume.

Additionally, you may as well add optional items such as professional summary, objective, and references. These three items may not be a must-include items in creating your professional education resume, but if you add these into your resume, you can make your resume looks better.

Once you have collected the data, you can start composing the resume. You may need some help from professional education resume template or sample. By using any of these, you can cut the making time. Plus, most of the time, templates are free to download. You’ll be able to save money from hiring someone to write your resume.

After that, you can do as these steps below mentioned.

  1. Launch the professional education resume template or sample using the compatible application.
  2. Once you’re there, simply move your personal details, working experiences, and educational background into the resume.
  3. Make your newly made resume neat. You can also customize the font, decoration, etc. but make sure you don’t do it overly. Doing so may result in your resume looking not professional.
  4. Not only for once, proofread your text so that you will get a perfectly tailored professional education resume.

People Also Ask

How do I write my education on a resume?

In writing your own education background in a professional education resume, make sure to include your major, university name, years of study, and GPA. If required, you will be asked to enclose your university transcript.

How do I describe my teaching experience on a resume?

If you are writing a professional education resume, then you can describe your teaching experiences simply by mentioning:

  • Where you are teaching,
  • What subject you are teaching,
  • How long have you worked there,
  • The job description itself.

What are some skills to put on a resume?

  • Leadership experiences
  • Communication skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Problem solving skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Collaboration skills

Several Samples for Professional Education Resume

Planning to get a professional education resume template? Then you may search it on internet. But what if you find too many results? Simply pick the one suitable for your need and you’ll do just fine!

Education Assistant Resume Template

Becoming an education assistant doesn’t mean your job is easier than the teacher itself. If you’re interested in becoming one, try to prep your resume using professional education resume and see how the employer responds to your resume later.

Free Education Resume Example.DOC

Sample Resume for Physical Education Teachers

Physical education teachers may be the favorite one by many students—especially if you know how to handle them. Feeling like you are the right person for the position? Then, prepare your resume and submit it along with a cover letter.

Higher Education Administration Resume.DOC

Template for Higher Education Admission Resume

Working for higher education institution sounds fun? Why not try it? Anytime you find a vacant position to become part of higher education, you can start making your resume. To get it easy, have a professional education resume template—and you’ll do it easily.

Physical Education Resume Sample.DOC

Special Education Resume Template

If educating special children is one of your dreams, then starting it off by applying as special education teacher or even just administration staff is a good idea. That said, you’ll be required to write a special education resume using professional resume template first. Make sure to showcase your skills and working experiences (if any) which are related to special education.

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Elementary Education Resume Cover Letter

Don’t forget to enclose your cover letter even after you have your resume done. Attaching a cover letter helps your potential employer to see that you are a capable applicant. Who knows that by enclosing a cover letter you’ll get a chance to become part of the school?

Sample Education Administration Resume.DOC

So, are you ready to make your own professional education resume? As earlier mentioned, by using a resume sample or resume template, you can easily make your resume without even paying some buck to get the resume done.

Special Education Resume Example.DOC Education Administration Resume Cover Letter.DOC Education Administration Resume Format.DOC Education Administrative Assistant Resume.DOC Education Assistant Resume Cover Letter.DOC

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