10+ Student Curriculum Vitae Template

The Examples of Outstanding Student Curriculum Vitae Template

Many of you who are still enrolling in a school as student may want to know how to make impressive student curriculum vitae to do some summer jobs or some internship. Here are the samples of student curriculum vitae template that you can use.

High School Student

Well, CV is an essential thing to apply for a job in a company. Your CV can affect the possibility to be selected as employee. Therefore, you surely need to make it stand out and professional.

Student Curriculum Vitae Template Example

To help you know how to make valuable curriculum vitae, here is the example:

Smith, Michael O.


Phone: 777-444-8278

Address: 79 Highwood St., Salt Lake City, LA 72625

Email: michael.smith@gmail.com


Captain – Highwood Football Club (2012)

President – Students Associate (2012)

The Most Outstanding Graduate – Highwood Senior High School (2013)

GPA: 3.5

Educational Background

High School (2010-2013)

Highwood High School

Junior High School (2007-2010)

Highwood Junior High School

Elementary School (2001-2007)

Saint Joseph’s School

Work Experience

Owner – Your Lawn Service (2011 – Present)

  • Owning “Your Lawn Service” as lawn care service for my neighborhood
  • Managing and also operating the service
  • Doing the advertisements through door-to-door
  • Been landscaped and mowed up to 9 yards during the summer

Cashier – The Essentials Depot (May 2012 – Present)

  • Operating the cashier machine
  • Assisting the customers, especially those who buy in large orders
  • Assuring the store is clean
  • Stocking the products

How to Write Student Curriculum Vitae

Making your first student curriculum vitae template is surely not easy, but here are few tips and steps to follow:

  1. Make sure to write a proper CV with the right grammar and language.
  2. Do not forget about the font and its size. Then, use a readable font, such as Times New Roman or Arial.
  3. Make your CV simple and short, but still interesting at the same time.

People Also Ask

How to write curriculum vitae as a student when I don’t have any job experience?

To make student curriculum vitae template, you don’t need to have plenty of experience. Here are several things to consider when you want to apply for a job but don’t have any experiences:

  1. Write the relevant background that’s suitable for your dream job.
  2. Highlight your achievements, personal skills, or even the great personality.
  3. You can make it more interesting by adding a cover letter.
  4. Make sure you’re confident enough with the quality that you have

How can a college student create curriculum vitae?

As college student, of course you have a higher chance to be accepted in the company than a high school student. But still, you need to highlight the following things:

  1. Include your leadership and organization experiences into student curriculum vitae template.
  2. Put extracurricular activities (in and out of school).
  3. Do not forget to write your academic history.
  4. Put the relevant jobs you have done in the past.
  5. List personal skills that relevant to the job that you’re applying to.

Is CV a resume?

Even though some people think curriculum vitae is a resume, those are two different things. CV is usually longer than a resume. It provides the full information of your academic background, achievements, and experiences. Meanwhile, a resume is only a summary of your relevant background.

Student Curriculum Vitae Templates

After knowing all the information you may need in writing curriculum vitae, here are the following examples of student curriculum vitae template.

Nursing Student Curriculum Vitae

If you’re a passionate nursing student who wants to make impressive student curriculum vitae template, the nursing student CV is your choice. You can include nursing experiences, and it would be great if you already have some certifications or awards in nursing.

Marketing Student

Amazing Curriculum Vitae for a College Student

You can use this template if you are a college student. Just put all your leadership and project experiences. Besides your skills, include your interest in the curriculum vitae as well.

Undergraduate Student

Medical Student Curriculum Vitae

The medical student curriculum vitae template is pretty similar to the nursing student CV. You will have a higher chance to be accepted if you have any certifications or awards in medical field.

Nursing Curriculum Vitae

Pharmacy Student Curriculum Vitae

Just like the nursing and medical CV, this one will be more valuable if there are any awards or certifications in pharmacy. If you are eager to be a successful scientist in pharmacy, put your career objective to make your career path more focused.

Dental Student

A Great Example of Curriculum Vitae for Marketing Student

The students with astounding skills in public relations and communication surely have a great passion for marketing. Try to use this marketing student curriculum vitae template, and put all your valuable skills there.

Medical Curriculum Vitae

Dental Student Curriculum Vitae

If you are a passionate dental student who wants to be a dentist, try to use this template. Include your internship history as a dentist as well as your academic background since the impressive academic background is highly valued in this field.

College Student

Fresh Undergraduate Student Curriculum Vitae

The undergraduate student curriculum vitae template is a great choice for you who just finish the study and want to apply the job immediately. Besides academic background, put the campus activity that you’ve been attended, the volunteer experiences, as well as your achievement during study.

Pharmacy Student

Simple yet Interesting Curriculum Vitae for Graduate Student

Do you want to take a job soon after you are done with your school? Then, this template might lead you to your dream job. Do not forget to put career objective as a graduate student. If you have any professional organization experiences or any published journals, list them all in your CV.

Sample Curriculum Vitae for Engineering Student

For engineering students who want to chase the dream job in reputable engineering companies, you can use this student curriculum vitae template. It will help you to focus on your job by putting your objective as the first thing in the CV. Your qualification and personal skills are also important points to include.

Engineering Student Curriculum Vitae Graduate Student Curriculum Vitae




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