10+ Writer Resumes Sample

Writer Resumes Sample and Free Templates to Download

Many people do look for writer resumes sample because they need the document to help them writing a good resume. Even when you are a professional writer, a resume is something else. It has to be written really well to reflect your years of experience, and it has to look flawless.

Sample Writers Resume

These are some of the best templates and examples to use. You should be able to download one or all of them with ease. All you need to do is finding the download button, and then save the file on your computer. It will help you a lot when you have to make the resume.

Example of Writer Resumes


Name: Simon John Smith

Email: simsmith@mail.me

Phone: 8261-2816

Address: 76 Bay St, Gone Beach, VN, 2816


  • Literature and prose writer.
  • Specialized in children’s literature.
  • Having been writing short stories and novels for children in different genres.
  • Graduated with Master’s Degree in Elizabethan Literature from University of Saint George.
  • Willing to work in teams and can communication well.


  • 2009, Graduated from Paulson High School, GPA. 3.7
  • 2013, Graduated from University of Saint George, Bachelor’s Degree in General English Literature, GPA 3.6
  • 2015, Graduated from University of Saint George, Master’s Degree in Elizabethan Literature


2015-2018, Publisher: Sunny Sunshine Books

Works including:

  • The Pink Poodle (Short story for children), Published 2015
  • Lucy and John’s Adventure (Illustrated children book), Published 2016
  • The Wizard at the Beach (Novel for Children), Published 2016
  • The Wizard at the Beach: The Returns (Novel for Children), Published 2017
  • The Wizard at the Beach: Closing the Gate (Novel for Children), Published 2018

2018-Ongoing, Publisher: Bay City Literature

Works including:

  • The Rooster and The Duck (Illustrated children book), Published 2018
  • Where Are You Going, Daddy? (Short story for children), Published 2019
  • The Baby and Me (Novel for Children), Published 2019
  • The House with Red Bricks (Short story for children), Published 2020
  • Are We There Yet? (Illustrated children book), Scheduled for publication in 2021


  • Communication skill
  • Research skill
  • Editing skill
  • Discipline
  • Organization
  • Time-Management
  • Basic illustrating
  • Children’s literature


  • English, Advanced
  • Welsh, Advanced
  • Spanish, Intermediate

How to Write Writer Resume?

As writer, you should put a lot of things in their resume. Basically, you want to show off what you have been doing all these years. So, most of the time, you will find writer resumes sample is full of the works you have been working in the past. This is the full information about writing this resume:

  1. Get the best writer resumes sample
  2. Open the document and examine each section
  3. If you want to add sections, do it now and adjust the format to look like the resume is more “you”.
  4. Now start editing. Add your contact information at the top of the page. It will help the readers to find out how to contact you easily.
  5. Write a brief profile or something about you at a glance.
  6. Next, add in your list of works.
  7. Once done, add your history of education.
  8. Then, you should be adding your skill list followed by the language skill.
  9. Finish the document and always recheck before printing.

People Also Ask

How do you list your writing skills on a resume?

The skill of a writer is more on the soft skill side. This is why when you are writing a resume and you use writer resumes sample, you will find the skill list is not separated into hard skill and soft skill. Simply use one list to describe the skill, and write all of your skills on that part.

The skills are important to be written there. So, do not even think to leave it out. You will certainly need to add your skills into the resume because it is one of the most interesting things for the readers to read. The skills help them to determine whether you are worthy for the job or not.

What is a writer job description?

The job description of a writer is to produce literary content. That is the main job. The literary content can be anything, really. This is why the writer resumes sample is available in many different kinds because the content that a writer has to write is different from one field to another.

For example, a job of a sport writer and children’s literature writer cannot be even more different. They are both writers, but one has to write sport-related content, and the other one will have to write more whimsical, child-friendly contents. They have their own markets for that, too.

What skills should a writer have?

The skills are more on the soft skills, as stated before, and they are including time-management and resilient. Resilient is absolutely needed here because publishing literary works or even an article of any kinds won’t be easy. There will be critics and revisions for the writers.

Content Writer Resume Template Example

To ease all the process of writing a resume for content writer, writer resumes sample is absolutely needed. Thankfully, they are ready to download.

Medical Writer Resume Template Example

Medical writers usually work in health ministry or any other institution. For you who need the writer resumes sample, it is available to download now.

Professional Writer

Professional Writer Resume Template Example

Do not underestimate the resume, though, because even when you have years of experience, writing a resume will never be easy. You have to use writer resumes sample to help you out.

Sports Writer Resume

Sample for Writer Resume Template

This is the basic resume examples to download. As these are free, you should be able to download as many as you want.

Senior Technical Writer

Senior Writer Resume Template Example

Senior writers are people with years of experience in literary world. Even so, they also need the help of the template after all.

Technical Writer Resume

Sport Writer Resume Template Example

Sport writers have to report or make sport-related content. Use writer resumes sample to make sure the resume is going to be flawless.

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Technical Writer Resume Template Example

This is the writer resumes sample for technical writers. Download the resume for free, and it will help you to create the best resume possible.

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