10+ Academic Curriculum Vitae

Academic Curriculum Vitae Template for Teachers, Students and More

For those who are looking for academic curriculum vitae template, there will be some templates available below. These templates are for you who are working in academic world. Some of them are for teachers, students and staff in schools and colleges. They are free to download.

Graduate School Curriculum Vitae

All you need to do when it comes to the CV template is to download it and then store it in your PC. Then, you should be able to make the CV whenever you need to. Making it is way easier when you have this kind of help. Make sure you download the template now and keep the file.

Example of Academic Curriculum Vitae


Hannah Mount



Jameson St. 2, Mason, HAK, 2816


  • Professional Pre-K teacher with a lot of experience working with children aged 3-6.
  • Working in day hours and willing to join in personal/ out-of-schedule teaching as well.
  • Good in communication and can speak several different languages.
  • Good in working with teams.


2018, Graduating from Jackson University, Bachelors’ Degree in Early Education for Children, GPA 4.0

2014, Graduating from Santa Monica High School, GPA 4.0


2018-2019, Hummel and Bird Pre-K, Homeroom Teacher

2019-Ongoing, Applebee Pre-K, Teacher


  • Communication
  • Compassion
  • Time-Management
  • Leadership
  • Patience


English, Spanish, Italian, German

How to Write Academic Curriculum Vitae?

Writing CV is not something too easy, especially by those who have never done the writing before. To make sure the resume or CV is well-written, the templates are certainly needed. These are some tips to make sure the CV is flawless and easy to read by everyone.

  1. Make sure you use academic curriculum vitae template. The templates are really useful here because you do not have to write everything on your own. You just follow the path made by the template, and the resume will be done in no time at all,
  2. Keep the resume compact. There is now way people want to read a long, long resume. This is why keeping it simpler and easier to read is the key here. Make sure it is like 2 pages at max and you need to fill it with the necessary information only.
  3. Convert the document in PDF. If you need to send them via email, you will have to convert the document into PDF format. It makes them less complicated to send and you won’t have to wait too long for the document to be sent. It is easier this way.
  4. Make sure you list your employment history. The main thing about CV is that this is the method to find out your history, including your history of employment. This is why the document will have to be completed by this section anyway.
  5. Use the right academic curriculum vitae template in the first place. Do not get fooled by those random templates. The templates that you are using must be the one with all the information people need to know about you. Research your template first before using.

People Also Ask

How do I write curriculum vitae for graduate school?

Graduate school is usually for those who have the Master’s Degree or at least on their way to achieve that. Given that information, surely the CV is expected to be way more formal and academically written. For those who need the CV to be like this, use templates all the time.

Templates will make sure that your resume is going to look flawless. So, even when you are a grad student or having a Master’s, you do not have to push your brain to write a good resume. The academic curriculum vitae template will do it all for you. It is that nice and easy.

What is curriculum vitae and example?

CV is the document that explains your academic history and employment history. It is like your profile page but elaborated. It is needed in many purposes and occasions, including when you are applying for jobs, speaking for seminars, enrolling for certain programs and many things else.

The example of CV can be found on this page. Besides of that, there are many academic curriculum vitae template and examples to find below. It is all free for you to get it and you can just download any of them that you like and make sure that your CV will be flawless.

What is a CV in academic world?

In academic world, CV is usually used when teachers or professors are about to joining classes or they need to start teaching a class. The students need to understand who their teachers or professors are so that they can relate more to them. This is when those professors need academic curriculum vitae template.

Athletic CV Template

This is the athletic CV template. This is for those students and staffs who join the industry using athletic scholarship or something like that. Download it now, and you will see that you can do many things about the resume.

Chief Officer CV Template

This is the academic curriculum vitae template for chief officer. They are working in schools as well, and thus joining the industry of academic. Download the template now, and you can make the CV way easier than before.

Librarian Curriculum Vitae

Facilitator CV Template

School or university facilitator surely works for the academic world. This is the academic curriculum vitae template for them. Download it now and see what happens as making resume or CV won’t make you feel so bored anymore.

Professional Academic CV Template

Graduate School CV Template

Grad school has Master’s degree or at least a BA. For those who need to write resume easily, you just have to download academic curriculum vitae template, and use it as the guidance to work it out. Get the sample now.

Resume Curriculum Vitae

Librarian CV Template

Librarians also work in the academic world and hence they need the academic curriculum vitae template. This is the one for them. Download it for free, and there is no way they will end up with bad resume after all.

Academic Advisor Academic Career Curriculum Vitae Academic Curriculum Vitae Academic Education Academic Job Search

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