6+ Firefighter Resume Templates

Firefighter Resume Templates, Examples and Other Details You Need to Know

A firefighter resume is certainly needed if you are a professional flame-douser, or you may want to become one. In order to make sure you write a good resume, surely an example is needed. Where to find the example? The answer is below. They are all down below: the resume example and templates. Choose one and download it, depending on your need.

Firefighter Resume Template

In fact, a good firefighter will have to show off all the needed experiences and skills on the resume. This is why you need templates and resume to see how the best resume for firefighter looks like. Check them out all down below.

Example of Firefighter Resume


Name: Jonathan Smith

Email: johnsmith@mail.me

Address: 28 Jacob St, Shout Land 2861, UD

Phone: 1728-1826


  • Professional firefighter with more than 10 years of experience.
  • Having the expertise in firefighting, emergency care and fire dousing-related skills.
  • Great in team-working and a quick-thinking person.
  • Having calm and soothing attitude even in situations with massive pressures.

Professional Experience

2010-2015, The State of Silver Grade, Firefighter


  • Practicing drills in daily basis
  • Inspecting places for fire-related risks
  • Working and communicating with hospitals and police departments
  • Dousing flames and other fire-related disaster

2015-2019, Portland Firefighting Team, Firefighter


  • Responding to emergency calls related to accidents and fire
  • Using firefighting and rescue equipment
  • Inspecting emergency situations and find solutions for the emergency
  • Performing CPR and emergency life-saving attempts

2019-Ongoing, Firefighter Academy of Training, Firefighter Instruction


  • Training new firefighters
  • Showing the methods of flame-dousing
  • Responding to emergency calls from junior teams
  • Taking responsibility for the junior teams


Hudson High School, Graduated 2006, GPA 3.4

Randall Community College, Graduated 2010, GPA 3.2, Emergency Medical Technology


Registered Firefighter, Firefighter Academy for Training, 2010

Registered EMT, Firefighter Academy for Training, 2010

Hard Skills

  • First Aid
  • CPR
  • Fire-Dousing
  • Emergency Response
  • Medical Terminology

Soft Skills

  • Time Management
  • Quick-Thinking
  • Composure
  • Calm Manner
  • Team Working

Language Skills

  • English, Advanced
  • Spanish, Advanced
  • Russian, Intermediate


2012, Firefighter of the Year, the Government of Portland

How to Write Firefighter Resume?

There are several things that a good firefighter needs to place on the resume. This is the example how you can do that and how you can make the best resume. It all starts by getting the firefighter resume template and you can see how easy it is to edit and make the resume:

  1. Download the template or example of the resume, depending on your need
  2. Edit each sections of the resume, starting from the personal information.
  3. Continue to add the professional experience of firefighting
  4. Add your skills, both soft skills and hard skills
  5. List of education, including where you get the fire-dousing training (certification)
  6. Add your language skills as communication is very important to firefighters
  7. Check the resume before sending, using or printing

People Also Ask

Do I need a resume for firefighter?

Yes, every job needs a resume. You can tell there is no way you can apply for a job if you come to the interview or audition without bringing any resume. Firefighter is no different. To get the job, you have to make firefighter resume. It is whether when you are a professional one or a newbie one.

If you are new, put all your volunteering works and internships as well in the resume. It will show the readers that you do actually have the experience and your firefighter resume will be complete. Do not leave the experience space blank on your resume as it will make your resume less interesting.

Should I put volunteer firefighter on resume?

As stated before, yes you should. Surely, you have to put your volunteering works on the resume. After all, almost all firefighter career starts from volunteering jobs. It is not quite possible to see firefighter gets their job immediately if they have never taken a volunteering, or internship, works previously.

This is the reason why when you write firefighter resume and you are an entry level one, you will have to put your volunteering works. List them and make sure you arrange them by dates, so the readers will understand which events are the most current.

What is the goal of a firefighter?

When it comes to emergency, the goal of a firefighter is to douse the flames and other types of incidents. Basically, their goal is to put down the flames and get everyone safe and sound. There are many more jobs of a firefighter and usually they will all get written in the firefighter resume.

Basic Resume Example for Firefighter

This is the basic resume for firefighter. It is free to download, and everyone should be able to use this resume with ease.

Resume Example for Entry Level Firefighter

Even when you are entry level, you should be able to write a firefighter resume. This is the example that you need to use. Download it now and edit it later on.

job History Firefighter Resume

Resume Example for Federal Firefighter

Federal firefighter works for the government. Their resume needs to look really professional like this one. Download this example for free.

Resume Template for Firefighter with Job History

You should remember to list your job history in the firefighter resume. This is how you do it. Simply take the example, and see how easy it is to write a good resume with job history.

Entry Level Firefighter Resume

Resume Example for Paramedic Firefighter

Firefighter needs to be the paramedic as well, sometimes. This is the resume example for this kind of job.

Resume Template for Firefighter with Skills

Of course, you will have to list the skills on your resume. Take this firefighter resume example, and see how to list your skills in the resume with ease.

Skills for Firefighter Resume

Resume Example for Volunteer Firefighter

As stated previously, even when you are a just a volunteering person, firefighter resume is needed to be made. This will help you later in your career. Just download the template as guideline.

Volunteer Firefighter Resume Firefighter Paramedic Resume



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