8+ High School Student Resume

Tips, Sample, and Templates of High School Student Resume

Building high school student resume can sound like a daunting task for some people. However, chance is, they actually have more experience even when writing the resume for the first time. There is plenty of valuable work skills worth to put inside the document.

Job Resume For High School Student

Now, if you aren’t sure with how to get started on writing one, you might find useful help below. It includes the example of high school student resume, several tips on how to write it, some frequently asked questions about the topic, and the document samples.

High School Resume Sample (Text Version)

Austin Brown

7333 Bellevue Avenue, Farmingdale, NY 11735

Cell: 202-555-0188; E-mail: austin.brown@abmail.com


Responsible, focused, and determined high school diploma student that contribute to the role of customer service which requires good skill of communication, high enthusiasm to work together, and decent knowledge in technical programs and software.

  • Skilled communication: Deliver information in persuasive way, both through writing and verbally, build positive relationship effectively through friendliness, humor, and culturally considerate.
  • Professional teamwork: Capable to apply lessons during participation in school sport to support and motivate other members in the team in given projects and tasks.
  • Technology literate: Proficient in running Microsoft Office programs, internet including blogs and social medias, and able to learn quickly of new programs.


Farmingdale Senior High School, Farmingdale, NY; 3.50 GPA

Captain Boys Volley Team, English Debate Team, Student English Literature Mentor

Experience Highlight

  1. Grocery Store Employee, Farmingdale, NY
  • Cashier, September 2020 to Present
  • Assist in-store customers during process of check-out, collecting the payments, bagging purchased items, totaling up sales, honoring coupons, and providing change accordingly.
  1. Best Friends Animal Society, Farmingdale, NY
  • Volunteer, March 2019 to Present
  • Providing water and food regularly to the animals, grooming and brushing the coats of animals, and cleaning the pet rescue area.

Tips for Writing a High School Resume

  • Create short outline or list of the experiences to include within the high school student resume.
  • Include the summary of skills that are related to the job you’re applying for.
  • Keep the document brief while still staying includes all the relevant information – approximately in single page.
  • Connect your skills and experiences with the qualifications required for your applied job role.
  • Double-check the document and review it thoroughly before it is being finalized to ensure there is no error grammar-wise or spelling-wise.

People Also Ask

What must be included inside high school student resume?

To create a proper high school student resume, you need to include your full name, high school name and the town location. It will also really beneficial to include information about your GPA if it is above 3.0. You also need to highlight your qualifications and experiences before.

How can a high school student write a resume with no experience?

  • Format the resume document properly so it looks organized.
  • Serve information about relevant experience.
  • Choose the most-fitting keywords to represent you.
  • Put details about your education.
  • List the skills that are suitable for the job role.

What should a 16-year-old put on a resume?

It may include the relevant course work, volunteering, academic honors, school activities, and interests as the part of experiences to put inside the resume document.

High School Resume Template

If this is the first time you have to build a high school student resume, then using template can be a big help. Here are some of the samples of blank resume document for high school graduate with the formatting.

Resume for High School Students without Work Experience

Use this blank template resume document if you currently have no work experience. It highlights other skills worth to mention such as your academic achievement, personal value, and qualifications for the applied job.

High School Student Resume Worksheet

Resume Template for High School Students in Word Format

This high school student resume template is available in Microsoft Word template, so it’s easily editable. You can put your own information and rearrange the formatting of the document without difficulty to create a suitable resume.

Resume for High School Student to Apply for First Job

This resume document template is made with simple design so it’s perfect for you who are looking for fist job. Simply put your personal and academic information within in professional way.

Sample High School Student Resume Template

Sample of Resume for High School Student

This resume template is meant to be used by high school students. It matches easily with various needs and application in different job fields. Use it to create your best resume to date.

Resume Format Example for High School Student

The blank template of resume above is formatted in simple way so it is very versatile. You may use it according to your needs, such as for applying for new job or prepare your college application.

Entry Level School Resume

Free Resume Template for High School Graduate

By using free high school student resume, you can create a great resume document without having to put out cost. Just download the document and then edit and use it with the corresponding program or software.

Job Resume Blank Document for High School Student

In order to grab the position of your dream job, you need to create a good resume. Making one doesn’t have to be hassle. Use template with pre-made format and arrangement as guideline to highlight your best skills and experiences.

Sample High School Student Academic Resume

Entry Level Resume for High School Student

This resume template suits best for high school student who wants to apply for entry-level job, with simple format and free download feature.

Sample of Resume High School Student with Academic Information

If you are in need of versatile template to create professional-looking high school student resume, then use this document. It is specifically designed to highlight your achievement academically and all of your relevant skills.

High School Diploma Student Resume

Resume Template for High School Diploma

Being high school graduate and not having much work experience don’t have to be a disadvantage. Provide all the beneficial information to ladder up your career by using this free resume template.

The key in writing a proper high school student resume is to show professionalism. You can easily show one by using a template document without wasting time, energy, and cost, to get position in your dream job.

    High School Student Resume With Experience High School Student Resume With No Experience

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