10+ Office Manager Resume

Office Manager Resume Templates and Examples

When it comes to make an office manager resume, it is safe to say you will need templates and examples at all time. The templates are there to help you writing the best resume as they are already completed by the right content and sections that a resume should have.

Non Profit Office Manager

This is why when you are trying to write a resume for your job as office manager, do not forget to use ready-made templates. There are plenty of them, and you need to see which one to download then eventually you just press the download button and keep the file.

Office Manager Resume Example

Bernard Cone



65 Liberty St., Barbara, HA, 1715


  • A professional manager to manage offices and employees.
  • Having been working in the industry for years.
  • Having years of experience and having been working with many teams and people.
  • Good in communication and willing to work in any types of scheduling.


Master’s Degree, University of St. Carolina, Management and Financing, Grad. 2016

Bachelor’s Degree, University of St. Carolina, Management and Financing, Grad. 2014

Managerial Experience

2016-2019, Yule Office and Finance, Junior Office Manager

2019-Ongoing, Hummel Office and Law, Office Manager


  • Leadership
  • Communication
  • Basic Financing
  • Basic Management
  • Time-Management
  • Teamworking

How to Write Office Manager Resume?

These are some of the best things that an office manager should write on the resume. Well, resume is basically the document to showcase your working experience. For you who have never been writing an office manager resume before, this is the information about what content it should have:

  1. The first content is the contact information. This is the most important part as it will show the reader how to contact you. It includes the phone number of yours as well as the email address. You can add your mailing address, too, in this section.
  2. The second content is your brief profile. Make it short and easy to understand. It is usually not very lengthy and it is like only one to two paragraphs at the longest. It should be like your “at a glance” explanation of who you are.
  3. Next, there will be your education history. It is usually from high school to college. You do not need to write everything from the very early years of your education as it won’t matter. Simply write your high school and college history, including the GPA.
  4. The next one is the key of this resume. It is the working history. Write the list of jobs you have in the past and if you want to, you can add the details or the duties/things you did on the job. It will add value to the resume for sure.
  5. After the working experience, you will list your skills. Skills are including hard skills and soft skills. If you speak languages beyond your native tongue, write them up, too. Having a managerial staff who can speak more than one language is a massive advantage, though.

People Also Ask

What are the job responsibilities of an office manager?

As you can see, manager in every company has the same job. They manage the entire office. Basically, they have the right to supervise and evaluate the working situation in the office, whether it is between the employees or between the employees and their supervisors, too.

Depending on what kind of office it is, the managerial duty of the office manager will differ. However, they have the same power to manage and put together the working situation into a better one. Take a look at the office manager resume templates and you can see that the duties may vary.

What are some management skills to put on a resume?

There are many, many skills that a manager must have in themselves. Basically, without strong skills, you won’t be able to stand strong enough to manage the whole house. In office manager resume, usually the skill to be written is the soft skills as they are dominating the list of skill indeed.

The soft skills are including communication and leadership. A good manager is a good leader. They do not give order but instead they work together with the employee to make sure that the mutual goals are achieved and the office reaches the target together. It should be very essential.

What are the qualifications for office manager?

The qualification for an office manager, when it comes to the education, is usually Master’s Degree. It is because most of the basic employees in the office are coming with Bachelor’s Degree and thus their supervisor must have a slightly higher degree than they do. It is not always the case, though.

Templates for Resume of Financial Office Manager

Financial office manager has the job to manage the entire office and money-related situation the office deals with. Therefore, office manager must be someone really, really competent. For those who need the office manager resume template, just download it now.

Resume Example of Law Office Manager

Law office manager is working with legal clients and attorneys. They need someone who is really strong and resilient to manage the office. This is why people who need to write office manager resume and apply for this job must be someone really competent and have years of experience.

Office Manager Resume Example

Templates for Resume of Non-Profit Office Manager

This is the office manager resume template for non-profit office manager. This company does not look for money and benefits, but they do work with many humanitarians’ project. The manager should be the competent person.

Law Office Manager

Resume Example of Real Estate Office Manager

Real estate office manager is the boss of those agents who are selling houses and properties. If you work this job and need to write office manager resume, use this template and make sure you write a flawless resume.

Office Manager Resume Template

Resume Example of Restaurant Office Manager

An office manager resume is needed by restaurant manager as well. If you need this resume, all you have to do is downloading the resume, and then save it in your PC to edit whenever you like.

Professional Resume 2

Templates for Resume of Transportation Office Manager

Last but not least, there is transportation office manager. Use the office manager resume template to keep the resume simple yet very easy to understand by everyone reading it.

Real Estate Office Manager Resume Restaurant Office Manager

Transportation Resume

Financial Office Manager Resume

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