10+ Academic Curriculum Vitae Templates

Academic Curriculum Vitae Templates, Details, and Examples

Are you in need of academic curriculum vitae templates? There will be some of them to download for free. They are all free and you can choose anything you want from the templates.

Academic Medicine

Before that, there will be the examples and details about the CV as well. Here is everything you need to know about it.

Academic Curriculum Vitae Example


Howard Cooper, MA, Ph.D.

Jacksonville University

Professor, English Literature



At Glance:

Howard Cooper, Ph.D. is a professor in Jacksonville University, mastering in English Literature and Shakespearian plays. He received his Ph.D. from Well University in 2007 and continues to work at the professional level of academic teaching and practical teaching.


Well University – Bachelor’s Degree, English Literature – 2000

Jacksonville University – Master’s Degree, English Literature- 2004

Well University – Doctorate, English Literature- 2007


Author, Shakespearian Plays and Its Impacts on Society, Drama and Journal, 2019

Speakers, English Literature in Modern World, 2019

Author, English Literature for Young Generator, University Level Journal 2020

First Place, English Literature Writing Competition, Hudsonville University, 2020

Contact information:

8168-2916-28189 (personal)

72617-28260-1826 (university)

How Do You Write Academic Curriculum Vitae?

If you need to write a good academic CV but you have no time, it is always good to consider using academic curriculum vitae templates after all. Here are some tips about how to write the CV.

  • Consider the structure instead of the length
  • Be consistent
  • Write details about education history and academic achievements
  • Consider your audience (who will read the resume/ CV)
  • Keep the whole thing readable
  • Do NOT forget to add contact information
  • Add reference numbers if possible

People Also Ask

How do I make curriculum vitae on Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Word is the best tool to make CV and most academic curriculum vitae templates are in doc format or the compatible format with Microsoft Word, too. To make the CV the easy way, of course you have to get the right template.

After getting the template, you can simply load them on Microsoft Word and then edit them. Add the sufficient information and what you have to provide on the CV. After that, all you have to do next is printing the CV or mail them to the recipient. It is that easy when you use template.

What should an academic CV look like?

An academic is considered very professional. Most of the time, they are professors, lecturers and researchers. So, the CV is expected to be very impeccable of course. So, the proper look of the CV is a professional-like. It is straight to the point and has no rambling inside. This is why it is always safer to use academic curriculum vitae templates as they have the correct format already.

The main parts of the CV that you have to always include are:

  1. Personal information (briefly, just for introduction)
  2. Contact person (email, phone, etc.)
  3. Academy-related information (for example: Scopus link for author/ researcher)
  4. Detailed about study, education and achievement in the field.

Is there a CV template on Microsoft Word?

Sometimes there is but in older version of Word, the template is nonexistence and cannot be found. The best way to cope with this is that you download academic curriculum vitae templates. There are so many of them and you just have to pick the one that looks the best and will do the best to provide your academic-related information.

Academic Curriculum Vitae for Graduate School

Most people are having MA or other degree from graduate school. Moreover, if you want to choose the template for CV, you should do it the professional way.

Academic Director

Academic Curriculum Vitae Sample and Template

Writing the CV won’t be any easy step when you have no clue about what to read. The correct format is to make sure all the needed information is displayed and shown in the academic curriculum vitae templates.

Academic Nursing

Medicine Professionals Academic Curriculum Vitae

For those working in medicine field, like in pharmaceutical or hospitals, of course you will have different-looking CV. It is more detailed on the working experience and the researches you have done.

Academic Curriculum Vitae for Professionals

Any fields have professionals in it. They are including those who have been doing the teaching or research for a long time. They still probably need academic curriculum vitae templates after all as the templates saves time and effort.

Graduate School Academic Curriculum Vitae

Academic Curriculum Vitae Format and Example

This is the one you need when you are a lecturer or professors in a university, colleges or schools. The CV will have to show your details in education and highlight your work.

Academic Curriculum Vitae for Business

There are many people who get successful in business, and they still have to make CV. It is needed when you have to go on a trade or a meeting for investors or something. The CV has to be made the right way, including by using the right academic curriculum vitae templates.

Professional Academic

Academic Curriculum Vitae for Undergraduate

Undergraduates are having BA from the university. This degree is more than enough to apply for a decent job. What you have to understand is to pick the right template, and then use it for the CV. Therefore, the CV will look as professionals as possible.

Examples for Academic Curriculum Vitae

These are some examples for those who need it. Let’s admit that making CV is not always easy, even when you are professionals. In this case, you just have to rely on good academic curriculum vitae templates.

Undergraduate Academic

Templates for Academic Curriculum Vitae

Why templates are so much needed? Well, without one, you will have to type everything right from the start, and you may not like it, time wise. So, the templates are definitely essentials and you always need one.

Academic Curriculum Vitae for Directors

Top dogs at companies or institutions are still in need of making CV. Why so? Well, CV is versatile, and you just have to use it to bargain some clients or to do some deals. This is why CV making and its template is so needed.

Academic Business CV Template

Nursing Professionals Academic Curriculum Vitae

If you are a RN or registered nurse, your CV will have to highlight your career. It should list the hospitals and clinics you have, your apprentice works, and the professional works. Use the right academic curriculum vitae templates to make one.

Academic Business CV Template.pdf

Academic Experience Curriculum Vitae

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