10+ Engineer Curriculum Vitae Template

Engineer Curriculum Vitae Template Free Download and Example

For those who are looking for engineer curriculum vitae template, there will be a few of them to download below. The templates are pretty much useful to make the writing process of the curriculum vitae quicker and easier. The templates are also easy to download and free to get for sure.

Civil Engineer

Since there are many types of engineering out there, you have to choose the template that matches to your field. There are tons of them, but you can start from mechanical engineer to agricultural engineer. Choose one that you think fits your need the most. Here is the example.

Example of Engineer Curriculum Vitae


Donald Jackson



7 Luna St., Santo Felix, HK, 28715


  • Skilled agricultural engineer who have been working in the industry for more than three years.
  • Graduated with agricultural engineer degree from top-notch university.
  • Willing to work in teams and having been a good team-leader in the previous jobs and other programs from the past.


2017, Graduated from Santo Felix Institute of Technology, Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering, GPA 3.5

2013, Graduated from Hannah James High School, GPA 3.2

History of Employment

2017-2018, Humming Factory and Plantations, Junior Agricultural Engineer Team

2018-2019, Humming Factory and Plantations, Agricultural Engineer Team Leader

2019-Ongoing, Agricultural Government of Santo Felix, Agricultural Engineer Team






English, Native

Portuguese, Advanced

How to Write Engineering Curriculum Vitae

To write a good CV for engineering, you will have to use some templates. Templates, as stated before, allow you to make the document easier and quicker. There are some templates for the document that can be downloaded for free. Then, you can follow this step-by-step:

  1. Make sure the engineer curriculum vitae template that you download matches with what you need. Also, make sure it is editable and printable. It has to look decent and has the sections that you have to present in the CV.
  2. Open the CV template in the computer or laptop. It should have been eligible to open with programs like Microsoft Word. If you cannot open the file, it won’t be possible for you to edit it and the print it or convert it to PDF.
  3. Write the CV in formal and proper language. The languages should not contain any slangs or informal words. It will reflect your professionalism and thus enhancing your chance in getting accepted to the job or programs that you are enrolling to.
  4. Keep the resume simple. The resume should not seem too exaggerated. The content should only be the ones that you need to share, not the ones are too personal or unnecessary. This is where your resume can look really good and readable.

People Also Ask

What should be on an engineering CV?

There are many things that people need to write when they are making engineer curriculum vitae. However, thanks to the availability of engineer curriculum vitae template. In those templates, there are sections already to fill and they are usually the ones that you really need to display.

The sections are including: personal contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address, etc.), brief profile, history of employment, history of education, skills and then language ability. Basically, those are what you need to write on the resume or CV for engineering personnel.

What skills do you need as an engineer?

Engineering is a wide range of industry. This is why the skills will heavily depend on what kind of engineering it is. There is mechanical engineering, chemical, agricultural, computer science and many, many more. The skills will differ from one kind to the others. You will learn each in particular during college.

However, the engineer curriculum vitae template will make you to write the skills anyway. In common, all engineers should have the skill (soft ones) like critical thinking, logic, and problem-solving. They should also have good time-management and pressure management, if needed.

How long should your CV be?

According to engineer curriculum vitae template, your CV should be like two pages, at the most. Writing CV that is too long is not going to be good for you as people get bored when they have not even reached the main point of the resume. It will be awful and the CV won’t work at all.

This is why you should keep the CV nice and short. If you can convert everything and make it compact (one page), it will be useful for those who read the document eventually. Make sure you just keep everything simple and never to exaggerate anything written in the document.

Curriculum Vitae Template for Mechanical Engineer

This is the CV template for mechanical engineer. Get the solution of your document-writing problem by using the templates and examples. You do not need to write everything on your own and these are practically free to download.

Curriculum Vitae Template for Computer Engineer

Computer engineers work for technology-related companies. Of course, to get the job, they need to make the engineer curriculum vitae first. To do that, it will be so much better and helpful when they did use the help of engineer curriculum vitae template.

Computer Engineer

Curriculum Vitae Template for Civil Engineer

One of the most common fields in the engineering world is civil engineering. For those who have the need to download engineer curriculum vitae template, it can be found for free. Download it and start creating the resume now.

Electrical Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Template for Chemical Engineer

Do you need engineer curriculum vitae template for chemical engineer? If you do, this is the perfect template to download. It has everything you need to make sure that you can write the whole document easily.

Industrial Maintenance Engineer Resume

Curriculum Vitae Template for Auto Engineer

Working with cars and other components of the automobile and vehicle is the main job of auto engineering personnel. You can use engineer curriculum vitae template to help making a good CV.

Instrumentation Engineer Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Template for Agricultural Engineer

Agricultural engineer is the one working in farms and plantations. They work to develop new technology to help keeping things running in the area. This is the engineer curriculum vitae template for this job.

Mechanical Engineer Curriculum Vitae Mechanical Engineer CV Piping Engineer CV Agricultural Engineer Bio Medical Engineer Chemical Engineer Curriculum Vitae

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