6+ Nursing Curriculum Vitae

Types of Nursing Curriculum Vitae and Some Nitty-Gritty that You Should Know before Applying

Just like applying to any jobs, applying for always-on-demand nursing jobs require you nursing curriculum vitae. To write one, it may take a lot of time for ones inexperienced.

Nursing Professional

If you’re joining that ‘inexperienced squad’, this article will be a good pick for you. Make sure to read it through as it provides a lot of information about nursing curriculum vitae.

Sample of Nursing CV

This is a sample of shortened version of nursing curriculum vitae. You may take it as sample for your own CV.

Anandhi J. Ganesh, RN, CCRN

111 Oak Street, NY 11221 | 823-483-7730 | ganeshaj@tmail.com

  • Registered Nurse highly committed to providing compassionate pediatric care. Nursing background includes general pediatrics and PICU care.
  • Ten-year experience in NYX Public Hospital and UVW children’s hospital.


RN at Pediatric Intensive Care Unit, May 2014 – present

UVW Children’s Hospital (New York City, NY)

  • Providing nursing care for pediatric patients specialized for acute and life-damaging conditions (e.g., overdoses, heart/respiratory failure, infectious diseases, etc.)

RN for General Pediatric Care, August 2009 – February 2014

NYX Public Hospital (New York City, NY)

  • Providing inpatient and outpatient nursing care to pediatric patients with various disorders/illness/conditions.
  • Organizing treatment with multidisciplinary health personnel to accomplish excellent care and optimal health outcome.

Education & Credentials

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)

University of New York — New York City, NY

GPA 3.89; Dean’s List for three terms (2006-2008)

Critical Care Registered Nurse, State of NY.

Tips to Write a Nursing CV

  • Include your best achievement as a student into your CV. You can include volunteering experience, too.
  • It’s best only to mention work experiences related to nursing.
  • Providing references will be highly appreciated.
  • Describe your previous workplace in a detailed manner: public/private, bed capacity, what medical equipment is used, etc.
  • Use a nursing curriculum vitae will be a great move to make a CV done quickly.

People Also Ask

What information do you include in nursing curriculum vitae?

  • Personal details.
  • Education background.
  • Experiences related to the field.
  • Achievement (if any)

What nursing skills should be included on the CV?

  • Teamwork skills
  • Professional skills related to nursing
  • Communication skills
  • Leadership skills

How to write a nursing CV?

It’s the same as writing another kind of CV; you’ll need to include your personal information, skills, experiences, and education background. Experiences and education background are highly emphasized in applying for nursing jobs.

Several Types of Nursing Curriculum Vitae

Since there’re loads of nursing jobs out there, you should make relevant nursing curriculum vitae to apply to the job.

Nursing Staff Curriculum Vitae Template

Planning to switch to another hospital or clinic? Then it’s time to get the CV comes back to play. Show all your previous experiences while working as a nursing staff, as well as some honors or rewards that might come along with it.

Nursing Faculty

Or, if it’s your first time making your nursing curriculum vitae, it’s something that you shouldn’t worry about. Highlighting your educational background and non-professional experiences (such as volunteering experiences) will ‘entice’ the soon-to-be employer to hire you.

Resume Template for Nursing Aide

Becoming an aid doesn’t mean you’re a lower class, especially if you’re a nursing aide. It can become your first battle field before jumping to another job title that requires you longer years of nursing experiences. One great step to apply for this aide job is, indeed, creating your resume.

Nursing Professional CV

Becoming a professional nurse comes a long way, and it’s not only one or two years only. If you’re planning to jump in to the world of caring people as a professional nurse, the first thing to do is to prepare your nursing curriculum vitae.

Nursing Staff Curriculum Vitae

Resume Template Nursing Director

If you’re aiming to get that nursing director position, you got to play it fair by passing a kind of selection first. Having said that, it means preparing your own resume will become a must. For some examples, you can refer to a nursing director resume template.

Newly-graduated Nursing CV

If you’re newly graduated, then it’ll be great for you to prepare for your nursing curriculum vitae as soon as possible. Not because making great curriculum vitae is hard – the quicker you create, then the faster you can apply for a job. Hence, that’ll make a new chapter of yours.

Chief Nursing Officer

Nursing Student CV Template Free

Who doesn’t love free things? Creating a nursing curriculum template isn’t hard for some – but still that deserves some bucks as it helps many people. Thank these creative minds to prep a free template that you can download easily – only a click away!

Free Template Nursing Resume

As mentioned earlier, getting a resume template will help you a lot in making your nursing curriculum vitae. Lucky you to be able to find a free template – all you need is to download, launch it using relevant program, and customize it as per your own data. All for no bucks to pay back!

New Graduate Nursing Curriculum Vitae

Nursing Assistant CV

Being new to the field should not stop you from working as nurse. Therefore, becoming a nursing assistant will be a great chance for you to step up into an experienced nurse in the future. So, don’t be afraid and get the chance to become that assistant anyone would love to work with!

Chief Nurse CV Template

If you’re fed up working as a junior staff, it’s time to upgrade your job title as a chief nurse. Or, if you’re planning to move into another hospital, then you’ll find the need to write nursing curriculum vitae for sure.

To become a chief nurse, experiences are what it takes. That’ll be great if you have a long-term experience working as a junior nurse. Additionally, including various workshops and trainings that you’ve attended would be great. That way, you’ll become a trusted chief nurse soon-to-be.

Nursing Faculty Job Template

You may be in love being a nurse, but nurses don’t always have to work in a hospital. As an option, you can work as a teacher for those nursing students. Working in the faculty may require you further education to attend beforehand, and that must be fun for you who loves to care for others.

So, those are various examples of nursing curriculum vitae that you can take as examples. While showcasing your previous experiences, it’s totally expected of you to create great curriculum vitae. But since making an outstanding CV isn’t easy, getting a template is highly recommended.

Nursing Assistant





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