10+ Consultant Resume

Free Download of Consultant Resume Template and Example

Making consultant resume is mandatory when you are working as consultant, and you need to apply for jobs or for other projects. For you who have the capability of writing resume, it will be no problem at all. However, if you have no clue on how to make it, the template will be a savior.

HR Consulting ResumeWord Free Downlaod

These are the templates to use. There are several of them to download, and by using the template, making resume will be very easy to do. It is like less than 30 minutes, and everything is done. Therefore, do not overcomplicate things and use the template instead. Here are the resumes for you.

Example of Consultant Resume


Laila Jones



27 Dress St., Michaels, 27, HK


  • Entry-level beauty consultant who have significant degree and related experience to the job.
  • Having good skills in beauty-related understanding.
  • Willing to work with teams.


2020, Graduated from St. Michael University, Beauty and Cosmetology Degree


2019, Internship, Jonah Salon, Team Consultant

2018, Internship, Kellan Michael Salon, Product Consultant


  • Beauty and makeup
  • Prosthetic
  • Skin Health
  • Dermatology 101

How to Make Consultant Resume?

To make the resume, all you need to do is downloading consultant resume template. They are easily found here and you do not need to pay for anything when downloading it. After downloading the template, you are ready to go to next step, which is editing. Here is the further step:

  1. Open the template using Microsoft Word and then start checking each section written in the resume. The first should be the contact information. You can put whatever you like in this section but most people put contact number (phone) and address to this section. You also add email address and your social media links (mostly LinkedIn) in the resume.
  2. After that, you need to make the brief profile. Describe yourself in 3-4 sentences only. It should be short but clear. Make sure it highlights your relatable experience to the job you are applying to. Do not exaggerate the profile and keep it as simple as possible.
  3. The next thing to write is the history of education and then the history of employment. Both of them are important and thus you have to write it up and list them very carefully. Make sure you get all the dates and details right so that the resume becomes legit.
  4. Finish the resume by adding in your skill and language ability. Usually, it will be written on the last section of the resume but it heavily depends on the style of the consultant resume. When the document is done, check them up and then send or print them immediately.

What do a consultant does?

A consultant is usually an expert in the job. They work to provide advices and suggestion to their peers and clients. Say for example, if you are a mortgage consultant, your job is to talk to people, giving them advices and solutions on how to purchase property or to find a good one.

If you are a beauty consultant, usually you work at salon or beauty houses and clients come to you to speak about their overall condition related to makeup or skincare. The job is differ and of course it will be written in their consultant resume each time they apply for a job.

Where to find resume template?

The consultant resume can be found like everywhere. The resume is ready to use and you can use it all the time. There are several of them below and even more of them out there. For those who need to download the resume, it should be very easy for them to find one.

Downloading the consultant resume template is easy and you do not need to go through complicated process. After all, resume is a common document that is not too exclusive. Find the right template and you should be able to write your resume all with ease.

Is resume template free?

Yes, most templates are free. The templates should be downloadable free of charge and it should not charge you with anything, including with your credit card information. Download the consultant resume now and you should be able to make the resume easily at all time.

Resume Template for Beauty Consultant

Beauty consultant is very common to be found out there. If you are after this job, make a good consultant resume by using this very clear template. The template is free of charge, and you should be able to download it easily.

Resume Template for Business Consultant

Business consultant is a serious job that everyone wants. Get the resume done by using templates. It is easy to use, and it has the right format for the job. It will enhance your chance in getting accepted.

IT Consultant Resume Free PDF Download

Resume Template for HR Consultant

HR consultant works with the recruitment team in offices. They do serious jobs, and you need to apply for the job using the right resume. Get the resume template now, and get the job as you wish before.

Leasing Consultant Resume Free Word Template

Resume Template for Legal Consultant

This is the consultant resume template for legal consultant. It is very easy to turn the template into actual resume. It takes less than half an hour or so. Simply check this template and download it right now.

Legal Consultanting Resume PDF Free Template

Resume Template for Management Consultant

This is the resume for management consultant. Download the resume now, and making the document will be no longer a problem. It is just one click away, and you are done downloading the template.

SAP Consultant Resume PDF Free Downlaod

Resume Template for Sales Consultant

Sales consultant is always needed in many jobs; you can ease the process of making the resume by using the template. This template is for you to freely download all the time you want.

Senior Sales Consultant Resume PDF Free Downlaod

Resume Template for Travel Consultant

Travel consultants work by giving advices for people to plan for their trips and vacation. Use this consultant resume template to get the best resume out of it, and apply it for your dream job. It is free and everyone can download one.

Beauty Consultant Resume Free PDF Template Business Consultant Resume Free PDF Template Executive Management Consultant Resume Free PDF

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