7+ Sales Manager Resume

Composing Your Excellent Sales Manager Resume

Salesperson takes the most pivotal spot in linking the company with their customers. That said, companies typically hire a lot of workers to work in this department. You may be one of those work forces that are interested into being a sales manager—the person in-charge to rule everything related to the sales processes. To get the position, you will need to create a sales manager resume.

Hotel Sales Manager Resume

Writing a sales manager resume is actually similar to writing any other manager resume. The difference lies in your job description according to the previous job you were doing. Other aspects such as personal identity, qualifications, skills, and achievements are also available in other kinds of resume, with different content of course.

Example of Sales Manager Resume

As said, writing a sales manager resume is comparable to writing other resume; for example, resume for HR or R&D staff. But even when said so, you can still feel lost when writing your first sales manager resume. To help you, shown below is the sample of a sales manager resume.

Thalia H. Roosevelt

128 Hamburg Street, Sacramento, California 864238 | throosevelt@mymail.com | 093-3289-5784

M.B.A. Marketing                                 University of California                           expected 2022

B.A.      Business Administration            Sacred Heart University, London            2012


  • Well-experienced in managing projects, including its resources and its people
  • Great at training people
  • Competent in planning marketing plan (both long or short-term) and listing down the technique of how to implement it
  • Highly adaptive to new environment
  • Long-term in being a go-to person when sales-related problem comes.


  • Competitive strategy development
  • Effective communication
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Short/long-term planning
  • Creating contents for various media, etc.


EA Sports, Sacramento, CA, 2013 – present

  • Sales supervisor: Responsible to the company’s sales for CA area, coordinating with marketing team to find an effective method to market the company’s product.
  • Grew a sales increase of 50% at the end of each year since 2015. Often being called for speaking in sales forums, etc.

Hewlett Packard Inc. Somewhere City, NJ, 2009-2013

  • Sales Associate: Responsible to make deals with customers and filling in the target set by the company. Included is to handle the customers’ questions about the company’s product and to make online contents to build a strong brand awareness.

How to Compose Sales Manager Resume

To create a strongly appealing sales manager resume, you have to do these things below:

  • Comply with the common requirements such as reachable personal identity, your skills, objectives and qualifications,
  • Make the design of your sales manager resume looking professional. Steer away from creating flowery words, decorative curly fonts, or unreadable font colors
  • Sell yourself by simply writing down your achievements.

Aside from applying the tips above, you can also get your chance to make a better resume by simply using a template. If you decide on doing so, it will help you better in terms of time saving and easier operation. Feel free to customize your template or using it for further use.

People Also Ask

What are the skills for sales manager?

Aside from having sales skills, a manager in sales department should possess these skills as well:

  • strategic thinking and planning skills
  • carrying out the plan in a measured way
  • coaching, mentoring, and motivating salespeople in the team
  • communicating in a decent and effective way
  • able to delegate duties and picking the right person in-charge

What is a good objective for a sales manager resume?

For the objective, you may write that you are a motivated sales professional. Mention your total years of experiences and tell that you are looking for a management position. Sometimes, people also include a text that mentions about their willingness to apply their sales knowledge with the new company, especially the ones under sales department.

What is the qualification for sales manager?

For someone to become a sales manager, typically the person should possess an MBA degree in sales and marketing. Diploma in sales may work, but these days master’s degree is way more popular in the corporate management position.

Several Samples of Sales Manager Resume

As other resume types, sales manager resume also has a lot of variations. It’s the job details, color, ornaments, and the styling that makes each resume comes differently.

Resume Sample for Hotel Sales Manager

If hotel is both your second house and your workplace, being a hotel manager seems suitable to be your nickname. Opting to be a sales manager will require you to write a sales manager resume. That way, the hotel knows your experiences working as hotelier and what can you offer as an employee.

Marketing Sales Manager Resume

Resume Template for Sales Manager Elegant Style

Does it have to be elegant when writing your resume? Indeed, professionalism is linked with elegance. Hence it is the reason to always make your resume looks lavish even though it’s a free template. Professional resume won’t use excessive décor and is nicely readable.

Retail Sales Manager Resume 1

Catering Service Sales Manager Sample Template

Working for a catering service is fun. Aside from getting to work so close with food, it’ll be much enjoyable if the catering is busy (by that it means a lot of customers trust your catering service). To make a sales manager resume in catering service, you can also get the file online.

Regional Sales Manager Resume

Resume Sample for Regional Sales Manager

Planning to get that regional sales manager position? One of the greatest tricks is to make your resume long before the day comes. So, anytime you plan of applying to one job, everything is all set – you probably need to alter minor aspects in it.

Catering Sales Manager Resume

Marketing and Sales Manager Resume for Free

Everyone loves freebies and people know that. That’s why people create sales manager resume template for free as well. By downloading a template, you won’t only save your precious time by cutting the time for decorating your resume, but you will only need to ‘copy-pasting’ the data from your book to the template.

Elegenat Sales Manager Resume Format

That’s why a template, or to be specific, sales manager resume template benefits people. It helps first timers to get to know how to create such resume, but also it helps people to cut the time made for styling the file according to one’s preference.

Area Sales Manager Resume

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