10+ Teaching Curriculum Vitae Template

Teaching Curriculum Vitae Template and Free Examples to Download

Using teaching curriculum vitae template is probably a good idea, considering that you will have to spend hours writing your own CV. When you are a teacher, surely there will be plenty of things going on the CV, and you will have to list them all. In order to make the CV readable, use the template instead.

Academic Teacher CV Template

Templates are great because they are like pre-structured documents, and you need to fill the blanks only. After you fill the blanks, you just need to recheck your CV then print it. It will be very easy for everyone to use the template. There will be plenty of them which are free and downloadable.

Example of Teaching Curriculum Vitae Templates

Name: Judith Harrison

Email: juddyhrs@mail.me

Phone: 3617-1286

Address: 27 Phillips St, Magnolia, GS


At a Glance


  • Graduated from teaching university with the degree of early childhood education.
  • Have passion in working with children and love to be around them.
  • Have experiences teaching children in several pre-school and kindergartens.
  • Great in working within teams and have excellent communication skill.


Santana High School, Graduated 2014, GPA 3.4

Williams Teaching University, Graduated 2017, GPA 3.6, Bachelor degree of Early Childhood Education


Internship, 2014, Hudson Nursery, Classroom Teacher Team

Internship, 2014, Jackson Preschool, Sole Classroom Teacher

Paid, 2017-2018, Hudson Nursery, Classroom Teacher Team (Level 1 Class)

Paid, 2018-2020, Thomason Preschool, Classroom Teacher

Paid, 2020-Ongoing, Magnolia Local Government Preschool, Teacher


Early Childhood Education-related skill

Storytelling, reading, children entertainment

Basic skill of art and craft

Communication skill



Early childhood education seminar, Bronx University, 2015

How to be a teacher for children symposium, Thomason Center, 2017


English, Advanced

Spanish, Advanced

Malay, Intermediate

How do I write a good teaching CV?

The key in writing good CV for teacher is that you will have to highlight on the experiences. After all, there will be no school that accepts teacher with so little experience when it comes to deal with small children and teenagers. These are the steps to take.

  1. Take a look at the list of teaching curriculum vitae template and download the right template
  2. Fill in the blank and details on the template according to your teaching experience and personal data.
  3. Make sure you recheck the data before entering them to the template.
  4. List the teaching experience and add reference or people to call (if any)
  5. Print the CV or convert into PDF if it is to send online.

People Also Ask

How do I write a CV for teaching with no experience?

Teaching with no experience is something risky. However, people can always add in their internship and volunteering work in the CV. After all, when you are asking people to be teacher, the key experience is when they have the courage to teach and speak in front of children and teenagers.

When people do volunteering work in teaching or internship, they do the same, minus for the payment. This is why you have to find the teaching curriculum vitae template and then enter all your internship and volunteering experience right away. It will make the CV looks complete and readable.

How do I write a curriculum vitae CV?

The key is to use a good teaching curriculum vitae template. Do not waste your time spending hours in making the CV on your own. Using templates is as good because you can adjust the look of the CV, as well as adjusting the content. It will be easier for everyone just to use the CV.

After all, there will be so many CV templates that you can choose from. They are not just for teachers, but also for all sorts of jobs and positions. You can find the particular ones for teaching as well. It is just very easy and it helps a lot, especially for those who have no time in writing their own CV.

What is the best resume format for teachers?

The format is doc or the one that can be opened with Microsoft Word. This format is very common and acceptable. It can be opened using the simple software and everyone can have easy time editing the CV and printing them as well. This is why the common format is doc in most teaching curriculum vitae templates.

Teaching Curriculum Vitae for Professional

This is the teaching curriculum vitae template that you need if you are a professional teacher. Even when you are a pro, you need a decent CV and this is how you make it.

Sample Teaching CV Template

Simple Teaching Curriculum Vitae

This is the simplest CV for teacher. It should help you to get a readable CV with good content in it. Use the example to get the best result.

Assistant Curriculum Vitae

Academic Teaching Curriculum Vitae

Academic teaching is a serious deal and this is the teaching curriculum vitae template that you can use to make the CV. Make sure you download this CV as it is free and editable.

Teaching Curriculum Vitae Example

Teaching Curriculum Vitae for Job

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Education Teaching Experience CV

Teaching Curriculum Vitae for Education

For those in need of teaching curriculum vitae template for education, the template is good choice. It is downloadable as well as printable.

Teaching Job

Example of Teaching Curriculum Vitae

Writing a CV without example is going to be hard. This is why everyone should find an example beforehand. Take a good look at this example. It is going to be so useful for you.

Professional Teaching

Teaching Curriculum Vitae For Aboard

Teaching aboard is going to be a serious business, and thus the CV has to be written seriously as well. This is the teaching curriculum vitae template that you will have to write. It contains all sorts of things that you need.

Teaching Experience Curriculum Vitae

Teaching Curriculum Vitae in PDF Format

For those applying job of teaching online, surely the application is done using email. The email attachment should be PDF, and thus this teaching curriculum vitae template in PDF format is the one you need.

Curriculum Vitae in PDF

Teaching Profession

Teaching Position Curriculum Vitae

Abroad Curriculum Vitae

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