10+ Tutor Resume

Tutor Resume Free Template in Word and PDF Format

Writing tutor resume is needed when you want to take the job as tutor or teacher in the informal way. For those who have no clue of how to make the document, surely a template will help. They have the content of the resume that everyone can learn from. This is why it is needed by everyone, basically.

Free PDF Resume for Reading Tutor Download

If you need the resume template, there are many of them to look at and to download below. They are all free. All you have to do is actually looking at them and then picking which one you want to download. Then, simply click on the template and it will be downloaded in your PC.

Example of Tutor Resume


John Stone


716 Jackson St., St. Peter, 278, KJ


  • English tutor for small students (elementary to middle school).
  • Having great experience in tutoring children even when they speak English as second language.
  • Currently at the final year of university and looking for more experience in tutoring.


2017, Graduating from St. Peter High School, GPA 3.4


2017, English Tutor to Ming Family

2018, Private English Tutor to Mr. Tam Nguyen

2019, Private English Tutor to Mr. Huang Chan


  • English translation
  • Communication
  • Compassion

How to make resume for tutor?

This is the method you can use to make tutor resume. It is very easy as long as you have the right template. Yes, it all starts from the template. You can tell how easy it is to make the document after reading the step-by-step information given below. Read it carefully and see how you can make it.

  1. Take a good look at the templates. Download one tutor resume that matches to your need. It is usually depending on what type of tutor you are. Then, after the downloaded file is on your PC, open it up and you are ready to the next step, which is editing.
  2. Editing the file is doable in the compatible software. When your file is in doc format, the program you should use to edit it is Microsoft Word. Open the file on Word and then you can start adding your data on every section of the resume. It should look like it has more content by now.
  3. When all the sections are filled, you should be able to check the entire document. Make sure no flaws are made and that you are ready to print or to send it. Tutors are expected to send resume to their future hirers. So, do it correctly and get hired immediately.

People Also Ask


Does tutor need to have license?

Not necessarily. Most tutoring works are done by students or university people that offer help to their peers. So, they do not have to be licensed anyway. However, if you are in pursuit of more serious tutoring works, usually you can have license beforehand to avoid any complications in the future.

The licensing number should be included in your tutor resume so that everyone knows that you own a license and that you can tutor people professionally. Again, it is not mandatory though and it is only for high-end jobs that probably asked by those who really need professional tutoring for specific courses.

Where to find resume template?

Finding tutor resume template is like everywhere around the internet. It is easy to find and you should be able to download them for free. On this page, there are more than five of them to download and many places out there provide templates, too, and you can use them all like anytime you want.

Even when you use Microsoft Word, sometimes it has templates contained in their program. All you need to do is editing the template to make your own tutor resume. It is safe to say that the template is not hard to find and you should not be worried about not getting one while in need to write the resume.

How many pages should a resume be?

A good tutor resume should be like 1 or 2 pages long. It is not too long, especially when it is like very informal tutoring jobs. All you need to do is writing all the capability and skills and probably some of your hired experiences as tutor before and then the resume should be done.

Resume Template for After School Tutor

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Resume Template for Computer Tutor

Not everyone is savvy with the computer. This is why computer tutor exists. They teach people about how to deal with the computing problems, including how to operate one. Use the template to write resume for this position.

Math Tutor Resume PDF Free Download

Resume Template for Math Tutor

Math is like the most difficult subject for many people. This is why the tutors are needed in this subject. Use this template to write the resume for math tutor, and see how easy it is to do it right now.

Nursing Tutor Resume Free PDF Template

Resume Template for Nursing Tutor

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Private Tutor Resume Free PDF Download

Resume Template for Private Tutor

Private tutor is usually hired by people who need special attention for their school works or tasks. This is why the earning from this job is quite great. This is the tutor resume template for private tutors that can be downloaded for free.

Resume for English Tutor PDF Free Download

Resume Template for Volunteer Tutor

Some jobs are volunteering type, in which you do not get paid and you do it for the sake of helping other people. Even so, you still have to make the tutor resume. This template is going to help you to do so. It is easy to download, too.


Tutor Resume for ESL PDF Free Download Volunteer Tutor Resume Free PDF Download After School Tutor Free PDF Resume Downlaod Computer Tutor Resume Free PDF Template Elementary Tutor Resume Free PDF Template


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